Does hip-hop music affect today's youth?

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Does hip-hop music affect today's youth? by Mind Map: Does hip-hop music affect today's youth?

1. Introduction

1.1. Grabber/Hook (Include sentence here)

1.2. Thesis statement

1.2.1. Does it take a stand?

1.2.2. Is it arguable? Is there something you are trying to prove?

2. Body Paragraph 1

2.1. Claim #1

2.2. Evidence that supports Claim #1

2.3. Quote from text

2.4. Interpretation of the Quote

3. Body Paragraph 2

3.1. Claim #2

3.2. Evidence that supports Claim #2

3.3. Quote from text

3.4. Interpretation of the Quote

4. Body Paragraph 3

4.1. Claim #3

4.2. Evidence that supports Claim #3

4.3. Quote from text

4.4. Interpretation of the Quote

5. Conclusion

5.1. Restate thesis

5.2. Conculding statement