Traction: Conclusion

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Traction: Conclusion by Mind Map: Traction: Conclusion

1. Core Focus

2. Three Step Process Documenter

3. The 7 Main Tools

3.1. Accountability Chart

3.1.1. People Analyzer

3.1.2. GWC

3.2. Rocks

3.3. Meeting Pulse

3.3.1. IDS

3.3.2. Level 10 Meeting

3.3.3. Quarterlies

3.3.4. Annuals

3.4. V/TO

3.4.1. 10-year target

3.4.2. Core Values

3.4.3. Marketing Strategy

3.4.4. 3-year picture

3.5. 1-year plan

3.6. Scorecard

3.7. Everyone has a number

4. Created by Dave Rothacker

5. Foundational Tools

5.1. The V/TO

5.2. Accountability Chart

5.3. Rocks

5.4. Meeting Pulse

5.5. Scorecard

6. What the system is build around

6.1. 90 day world

6.2. To-do list

6.3. V/TO

6.4. Data

6.5. Core values

6.6. Meeting Pulse

6.7. Issues solving track