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1. Res Extenza

2. Concepts

2.1. The Self

2.1.1. Qualia What-it-is-like-to-be-ness Subjectivity Memories Consciousness Experiences

2.1.2. Existing matter Res Cogintans

2.1.3. New node

2.2. Metaphors

2.2.1. Metaphorical ways of the brain

2.2.2. models

2.2.3. Super models are super?

2.3. Cyborgs

2.3.1. top-less dancer

2.4. Uncanny Valley

2.4.1. AI (film

2.4.2. Flesh fair

2.5. Post-humanism

3. Skills

3.1. --Working with models, such as scale models, or even understanding more quotidian models, such as numbers or the alphabet.

3.2. --Integrating this model concept into simulated environments and programs, and exploring psychological aspects

3.3. --Taking these psychological texts to works of Cartesian science fiction, suffusing them with the ideas of First Bridge and asking questions and posing concepts outlined in the "Ideas" tab.

3.4. Critical Thinking and Literary Comparison

3.5. Alice

3.6. Mindstorms

3.7. mindmeister

3.8. Remembering words

4. Concepts

4.1. --Sassoune and linguistics

4.2. --Res extensa

4.3. --Res cogitans

4.4. --collective intelligence

4.5. --fragmented identity

4.6. --Natural cyborgs

4.7. --Egocentricism

4.8. --Fort/Da

4.9. --Scaling/Models as metaphors, and vice versa

4.9.1. Grenelle Scale Model

4.10. --Ways in which we conceive or make the world, through exaggeration, omission, etc

4.11. --Memory as intelligence

4.12. --"Qualia"

5. Ideas

5.1. --What seperates us as humans from animals, and what seperates us from machines?

5.2. --From where does our concept of "ego" come? Is there such thing as an I? How does this integrate into society, and how has this idea of self and society evolved over time?

5.3. --Are we our mind, or are we our bodies?

5.4. --What does cybernetic mean, and how to we seperate ourselves from our extensions?

5.5. --How do we conceptualize things in our very mind?

5.6. New node

6. Problems

6.1. First Bridge Dinner

6.1.1. inspiration

6.2. Hard Problem of Consciousness

6.3. Reading ways of world making

6.3.1. Avoiding suicide I would like this if it were on Facebook You just want to know my identity

6.4. New node

7. People

7.1. Andy Clark

7.2. Descartes <3

7.3. Susan Blackmore

7.4. La Mettrie

7.5. Sigmund Freud

7.6. Nelson Goodman-> old dude

7.7. Sassoune

7.8. Mary Shelley

7.9. Althusser

7.10. Sapir-Whorf

7.11. Aristotle

7.12. Bratenberg

7.13. Kant

7.14. Toulmin

7.15. Karl Marx

7.16. Turing

7.17. Alice

7.18. Alice is people... hell yeah

7.19. chatterbots?

7.20. Kepler

7.21. The monster

7.21.1. Dana Kianfar

7.22. Hobbes

7.23. Lacan

8. Poker

8.1. players

8.1.1. Yura

8.2. date

8.3. drinks?

8.3.1. beer

8.3.2. Black Label

8.3.3. Jack Daniels

8.3.4. Crunk Juice

8.4. protection

8.4.1. New node

8.5. sin