Adherence (n)

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Adherence (n) by Mind Map: Adherence (n)

1. Synonyms

1.1. Devotion

1.2. Helpful

1.3. Support

2. Antonyms

2.1. Sedition

2.2. Treachery

2.3. Treason

3. Captions & Pictures

3.1. Always folllow the rules

3.2. Listen to policemen

3.3. Help elders with heavy items

4. Definition

4.1. Steady devotion,support, allegiance, or attachment

5. Other Forms

5.1. (v) Adhered

5.1.1. The students adhered to the classroom rules.

5.2. (adj) Adhesive

5.2.1. I like the self- adhesive band-aids because they dont come off in the shower.