Copy of Erika's Story

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Copy of Erika's Story by Mind Map: Copy of Erika's Story

1. Character Bookmark

1.1. I would not have taken out a character b/c all the characters played a big part in this story

1.2. I would like to give the character a gift of strong courage b/c she held up threw all of her mess during the holocaust

1.3. I might make my friend the person who was Erika and I would be the person who was listening to the story but the rest of the story would stay the same

1.4. I would have Erika meet another girl who experience the same thing that she did

1.5. Erika was a girl who made it out of the ghetto and that makes her a very special person of the story

2. New Node

3. Theme Bookmark #37

3.1. To really understand others is to get to no them and treating them with respect and kindness. It also means to no what they are going threw

3.2. Yes inhumanity and cruelty do exist in this world today.To prevent we could have ads and we could try our best to do something when it is happening

3.3. Yes it is a theme b/c in this book it is based of of the holocaust and it was a very cruel and harsh time for the Jews

3.4. The people at this time didn't really know that this was going on at the time but if they did I think they would help.

4. Statements/Quotes

4.1. My star still shines

4.2. It was said that people would be as many as the stars in the heaven

4.3. Every star was one of my people whose life was savage and who's family tree was torn apart

4.4. Today,my tree once again has roots

4.5. On her way to death, my mother threw me to life

5. Key words/phrases

5.1. Mom/Dad

5.2. Death

5.2.1. Life

5.2.2. Star

5.2.3. Born

5.3. Erika

6. Thoughts/Reaction

6.1. This book was very well written

6.2. It had a very traumatizing and very influential

6.3. It also had a good twist to how she made it out of the Ghetto

7. Symbols and their meaning

7.1. The star

7.2. The train

7.2.1. The bob wire fence. It symbolizes how the Jews were trapped and not allowed to leave the premises

7.3. The star