Exuberant (adj)

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Exuberant (adj) by Mind Map: Exuberant (adj)

1. Synonyms

1.1. Cheerful

1.2. Vigorous

1.3. Joy

2. Antonyms

2.1. Unexcited

2.2. Lifeless

2.3. Depressed

3. Other Forms

3.1. Exuberance (noun)

3.1.1. The soccer game was filled with exuberance.

3.2. Exuberantly (adverb)

3.2.1. The dancers performed exuberantly on stage.

4. Definition

4.1. Almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundantt

4.2. Full of enthusiasm; High spirited

5. Examples

5.1. Exuberant dolphins performing

5.2. Exuberant fans at the football game