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Repose(Adj) by Mind Map: Repose(Adj)

1. Synonyms

1.1. Inactivity

1.2. Leisure

1.3. Relaxation

2. Antonyms

2.1. Active

2.2. Energized

3. Examples

3.1. A polar bear in a peaceful repose

3.2. A kitten in a deep repose

4. definition

4.1. Temporary rest from activity, excitement or exertion

4.2. Sleep, or the rest given by sleep

4.3. A state of peace

4.4. Composure

5. Other Forms

5.1. Reposeful(adj)

5.1.1. The student was very reposeful after school

5.2. Reposing(Adj)

5.2.1. A student was reposing during class