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Phoenix by Mind Map: Phoenix

1. Aspire

2. Pathways -First 4 Weeks

2.1. Morning Check in-Data Tracking

2.2. Pathways-Reviewed during inservice but we did not get to make everything on the "same" page as was discussed over the summer.

2.2.1. reflection


3.1. how you signatures in outlook

3.1.1. Edmentum

4. Reporting

4.1. Grants

4.1.1. Smartsheet

4.2. ODE

4.2.1. Aligning for student success

5. Star360

5.1. Week 1

5.1.1. Sam

5.1.2. Randall

5.1.3. CJ

5.1.4. Ron

5.2. week1 products

5.3. Concerns

6. enrollment -onboarding and recruitment

6.1. Call Previous Students get them to complete the intent to enroll and tie down a time to come in.

6.2. Scan the Enrollment Packet

6.3. add-how did you learn about Phoenix

6.4. Gabby

6.5. Tisha

6.6. Kat

7. Marketing

7.1. email signature

8. Registration:

8.1. Why was it such a disaster? Sharon said that they used to have tables up and students could pick up their schedules. No tables were set up and kids may have missed out on breakfast because they were waiting for schedules. Need to track attendance in each class. Do roll call. Let us know who is absent.

9. Onboarding Teachers

9.1. Synergy needs new teachers emails

9.1.1. This was difficult due to the volume of new teachers and them not being here long enough to onboard. Staffing was short 2 weeks before school began.

9.2. CJ needs to make new Teacher Emails

9.2.1. CJ was gone during a conference during the time that computers and systems should have been updated and moved into the classrooms.

9.3. Load Classes with teachers

9.3.1. Tisha did her best with this and really showed grace under pressure.

9.4. Parking Spaces

9.4.1. This should be part of onboarding, we brought it up during the inservice but folks did not know ahead of time and were parking in the wrong spots

9.5. ID Badges

9.5.1. ID badges should have been part of the onboarding process ( and business cards) This should be a task delegated to an assistant or Security person.

10. PD

10.1. Staff Inservice

10.1.1. Shawna was absent due to severe illness/Kristina resigned. I put together the staff inservice to the best of my ability with the tools that I had. I was not made aware of purchasing options,budgets, processes. I had to plan the meals, find a way to get the items purchased and activities planned in a very short amount of time. I asked the veteran staff for support and advice on how past inservices went. Sharn volunteered to cook for one breakfast, I purchased muffins for the first breakfast. Veronica did go out and get a sub sandwich for the first lunch from sherms, this was all purchased out of pocket because Thomas was not available for purchase orders during the short amount of time we had to put it together. I spent my weekend shopping and putting together the staff gift bags.

10.1.2. Reflection: Sharon overdid with the breakfast and Niomi was not pleased Sharon was in her kitchen. Once Niomi was back , she took over the remaining food issues and everything went way smoother. I suggest that we have Niomi back the week before inservice so she can help us prepare for inservice week. Admin team agreed no more Sharon in the **kitchen**

10.2. PD-Team

10.3. New Teacher Training

10.3.1. Melanie (2 days) (14hrs) ( during check in) (During check in before the 17th)

10.3.2. Sharon (2 days so far)(Self Reported) (During check in before the 17th)

10.3.3. I later asked for timesheets or estimate of hours and only received a response back from one teacher. (*Follow up)

10.3.4. Maggie

10.3.5. Justus

10.3.6. Reflection This was a poorly implemented. The promise of a stipend was made before I took on the role as a principal.

10.4. Staff In-service Week

10.4.1. T-Shirts

10.4.2. Food

10.5. Training

10.5.1. Boundary Invasion

11. Birthdays

12. School Culture

12.1. Daniel

13. Summer School

14. Restorative Justice

15. Aspire

16. Data District Dashboard


17. 9th grade on track

18. Retention

19. Bussing

20. Curriculum and Instruction

20.1. Concerns

20.2. Need to meet with Ron

20.3. Pam

20.4. Tammi

20.5. Math Standards

21. website

21.1. [email protected]>

21.2. Staff Page

22. Orientation

22.1. Digital Leadership

23. Behavior

23.1. Training

23.1.1. right response

23.2. Student Handbook

24. ESD

25. School Improvement

26. JSS-Tasks Week1

26.1. Blank New Style Incident slips​ in folder given to each staff ( *Task: Taylor and AJ create folders) ( did this get done? I did not get confirmation this was completed (8/27) ( Chris and Kat will get the new style slips ready) (Reflection: Chris did not seek me out to complete this task. I completed this task over the weekend) (8/27)

26.1.1. Hall Passes and Passing Period rules ( Chris can you review this system with Taylor and AJ) Alyssa will be a resource for passes and systems. Make sure new staff have this info.( I did not get confirmation this was completed)

26.1.2. Menu of Support ( Chris can you and Joy help create a quick list /menu of support services we provide with contacts) we can create a handout and a list with links that we can put on the staff site. ( Still in the works)

26.1.3. Medical: Plan on attending the medical training this Thursday AM (AJ/Taylor/Joy/Alyssa/Eric ( if you can) ) (Req) and anyone else that would like to attend the training.

26.1.4. Schedule Chris ,AJ, Taylor, Joy (Meet with Kat Wednesday afternoon to develop schedule)

26.1.5. Parking Passes and Phone Tree-Alyssa ( make sure everyone is caught up on this task)

26.1.6. Meetings/Workshops Chris and Joy can you send me your calendars in outlook so we can collaborate regarding extra trainings. TY

27. cultural competency

27.1. Action Plan