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NXT007 by Mind Map: NXT007

1. NXT007 Presentations

1.1. NXT007 Program Update to LCT November 2022

1.2. NXT007 Update to the LCT - 23.9.2023

1.3. Presentation 20.11.23

1.3.1. Messaging - April 2023 - Olivia

1.4. NXT007 Market Opportunity Space and Differentiation - Final outputs & recommendations - 30.11.22

1.5. NXT007 - Roche/Chugai Joint Steering Committee (JSC) - 12 November 2024

2. NXT007 Commercialization Team

2.1. Agenda and Notes

2.1.1. 90 days priorities

3. F8 Equivalence -> Tovo on 24.8.22

3.1. There is some data using TGA (Thrombin Generation Assay) and it suggests an activity ~40% for NXT007.

3.2. Preclinically we will run additional evaluations using an organ-on-a-chip and in vivo models.

3.3. No matter what, the clinical data will supersede any preclinical observations.

3.4. FVIII equivalence Narrative_April 2022_update

3.4.1. Slide 37

4. Chugai

4.1. Chugai Team (Update from June 2023)

4.1.1. Project Leader: Tatsuya Robin Koyama Pre-clinical leader(pharmacology): Atsushi Muto Robin has been in NXT007 team in 4 years as Clinical leader. We believe that he will lead NXT007 project based on his clinical experiences. Rota will lead both Hemlibra and NXT007 clinical team. He will advance both Hemlibra and NXT007 clinical team based on his scientific ability and management skills. Muto-san has been involved with ACE910 since its research stage, and he will lead deep-dive discussion in preclinical data of NXT007. Chugai hemophilia area leader, Suguru Kenmoku and Chugai Hemlibra LCL, Meiri Kawazoe will support in very close collaboration with Robin and NXT007 team to be more attractive team.

5. INN for NXT007

5.1. Aug 23 WS Pre-Read

5.1.1. List of INN names


6.1. NXT007 multiple-ascending-dose study ph1/2 is now (15.8.23) on clinical and therefore public.

7. PHC

7.1. Nicky Slides Sept 2023

7.1.1. Dan H response to slides

8. NXT007 - What is it?

8.1. Preclicical insights

8.1.1. Competitor therapies Thrombine generation Efficacy and safety

8.2. In vivo study - study design

8.2.1. .. ... ...

9. Integrated Comms Plan (15.5.2024

9.1. NXT007 Programm Overview (Sept 2023)

10. NXT007 TPP (Olivia)

10.1. Email 23.5.

10.1.1. Slide Deck

11. NXT007 IDCP

11.1. Key Strategic Questions (KSQ) NXT007

11.2. Integrated Development and Commercialization Plan (IDCP)

12. Key Strategic Questions (KSQ) NXT007 - Sept 2024

12.1. Situational Analysis - Sept 2024

13. NXT007 Narrative

13.1. Consider start taking NXT and never see a Hematologist again Consider start taking NXT and never need a factor product any more Consider start taking NXT and never have a spontaneous bleed again Consider start taking NXT and go to the dentist whenever you want Consider start taking NXT and travel spontaneously to your favorable holiday location Consider start taking NXT and never loose a day of work because of bleeds again Consider start taking NXT and never loose a day of school because of bleeds again Consider start taking NXT and not having to tell your friends that you have Hemophilia Consider start taking NXT and have no burden or concerns on your mind any more Consider start taking NXT and be as active as you always wanted to be Consider start taking NXT and know that you created the safest and best future for your child Consider start taking NXT and feel that you have taken the best choice for yourself and your families and friends Consider start taking NXT to have a good perspective of growing old as a haemophiliac Consider start taking NXT to experience a comfortable administration experience

14. LCT BiSpecifics

14.1. Priorities - LCP Opportunities - June 2023

15. NXT007 - What is it?

15.1. N = factor Nine X = upper part of X standing for v for bridging T = factor Ten

15.1.1. 0 = zero bleeds happen 0 = zero coagulation factor needed 7 = first patient in phase I clinical trial in 1917

15.2. A next-generation humanized FAST-IgTM bispecific monoclonal antibody

15.3. NXT007 is a humanized monoclonal modified IgG4 antibody with a bispecific antibody structure that binds to FIXa and FX to mimic the function of FVIII. NXT007 has the same mode of action bridging FIXa and FX as emicizumab which is now approved for prophylaxis in more than 100 countries. NXT007 accelerates FX activation by FIXa in patients with HA who have loss of function and/or reduced FVIII activity, promoting effective downstream hemostasis. Preclinical studies show NXT007 has higher FVIII-mimetic activity than emicizumab. This higher potency is expected to achieve increases in hemostatic activity into the non-hemophilic level (i.e., FVIII activity > 40 IU/dL). Since NXT007 shares no sequence homology with FVIII, it can exert its FVIII-mimetic activity in patients with Hemophilia A irrespective of the presence of FVIII inhibitors. Additionally, as an IgG bispecific antibody therapy, NXT007 has a novel Fc modification that theoretically affords further half-life (t1/2) prolongation compared to emicizumab.

16. NXT007 Teams

16.1. NXT Teams there are: PT, extended PT, CT, preclinical, biomarker (TBD)

16.2. My Teams Dashboard

16.3. Available D-lists for NXT007 specifically:

16.3.1. Glohemophilia_NXT007_RochePT Glohemophilia_NXT007_RochePT_extended (includes Glohemophilia_NXT007_RochePT) Glohemophilia_NXT007_Roche_CT Glohemophilia_NXT007_Roche_preclinteam

16.4. Admin Info

16.4.1. @ Presenters: Please name your pre-reads and supporting documents per this structure: [YYYMMDD]_[Title] _ [presenter]_NXT007_PTmeeting_["preread", if preread only] Please upload your pre-read and/or supporting materials onto the meeting specific folder here by Friday 06 sept midday. Please insert the hyperlink to your materials into the agenda file, columns "link to slides".

17. NXT007 Study Numbers

17.1. NXT007 vs FVIII study: WO45886 NXT007 vs Emi study: BO45887 NXT007 in Pediatrics: BO45888

18. Q&As

18.1. What is NXT007

18.1.1. NXT007 is a humanized monoclonal modified IgG4 antibody with a bispecific antibody structure that binds to FIXa and FX to mimic the function of FVIII. NXT007 has the same mode of action bridging FIXa and FX as emicizumab which is now approved for prophylaxis in more than 100 countries. NXT007 accelerates FX activation by FIXa in patients with HA who have loss of function and/or reduced FVIII activity, promoting effective downstream hemostasis. Preclinical studies show NXT007 has higher FVIII-mimetic activity than emicizumab. This higher potency is expected to achieve increases in hemostatic activity into the non-hemophilic level (i.e., FVIII activity > 40 IU/dL). Since NXT007 shares no sequence homology with FVIII, it can exert its FVIII-mimetic activity in patients with HA irrespective of the presence of FVIII inhibitors. Additionally, as an IgG bispecific antibody therapy, NXT007 has a novel Fc modification that theoretically affords further half-life (t1/2) prolongation compared to emicizumab.

18.2. How and when do we start considering patient input into the the upcoming NXT007 trials?

18.2.1. for phase III? for phase II?

18.2.2. What are the timelines of the development plan?

18.3. How can the protocol design be optimized

18.3.1. new or additional endpoints

18.3.2. trial participants and centers

18.3.3. Comparator therapy

18.4. Difference betw. Emi and 007

18.4.1. NXT007 vs Hemlibra

19. Future Therapies OUTLOOK

19.1. ....

20. Chrono - Work Plan: Status 12.11.22

20.1. Next steps that will happen until PivGo

20.1.1. 1. Development Board presentation & feedback: December 2024 2. Business Board presentation & feedback: January 2025 3. fPOC/Dose selection: February 2025 4. Merge IDCP into new 'End-to-End Asset Strategy' format 5. PivGo: expected March 2025

21. NXT007 CDP

22. NXT007 Single source of truth (SSOT) Slides (reference document)

22.1. NXT007 TPP Single Source of Truth (Dan File)


23.1. NXT CDP

24. Novel Endpoints

24.1. Team

24.1.1. Team = Charlotte Vignal (Team Lead) Slides - Hemophilia Study Design WG

24.2. Endpoint Goals

24.2.1. To get NXT007 approved Need to be more effective that emi Problem: bleed rates are so low already

24.2.2. EP considerations Difference betw. clinical trail setting and what people in the real world need and experience

24.2.3. EP Considerations What patients to involve in what countries? More women Infants as well EP which are relvant

24.2.4. EP Patient Relevant when comparing with emi Dental Care -> Free of Factor Use Female Issues Surgeries Travelling Painfree adminiistration -> filter needle

24.2.5. Defining Novel Endpoints in Hemophilia WG

24.2.6. PROBE MarSkinner 23.11.22 We now have quite a bit of experience in clinical studies, investigator initiated studies and national patient organization projects. This seems like an excellent opportunity.

24.3. G-sites

24.3.1. End point and Outcomes

25. Phase III

25.1. Patient Types INCLUDED

25.1.1. Servere HA + MODERATE people with HA

25.1.2. More WOMEN with HA -> moderate allows for more women to be included

25.1.3. INFANTS should also be included if clinically no risk

25.1.4. vWD Type 3 ? Michaela: we are planning a work up of this indication for Hemlibra first, based on Tovos results, which would need to show evidence beyond Type 3

26. Phase I/II - Roche

26.1. Ph1/2 (NXATGE) study

26.1.1. Target population Healthy volunteers (Single Ascending Dose part) and hemophilia A without inhibitor >=12yrs who are treated by FVIII and hemophilia A with/without inhibitor >=12yrs who are treated by Emi in MAD parts does NOT contain pediatrics/infants and women since the Ph1/2 study is first human study and the objectives are to evaluate safety, tolerability and efficacy by dose escalation

27. Roche Team

27.1. Project Team (PT) -> George

27.1.1. Below that -> Clinical Team (CT) -> Dan

27.2. NXT007 Combined TEAM

27.2.1. Team Charter (April 2024)

28. Juno (Veronica Rio Diaz)

28.1. Biomarkers, assay characteristics

28.1.1. slides of December 2023