Freedom Writers

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Freedom Writers by Mind Map: Freedom Writers


1.1. (6)Think about your own school or out-of-school activities. Are youth respectful of each other’s differences? Are there problems similar to those in Wilson High? If so, what steps can you take to initiate change?

1.1.1. No, because everybody is respectful we don't see the difference.

1.2. (7) Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?

1.2.1. She buys them books, she is showing them that she trust them. She shows them that she cares.

1.3. (8) Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship?

1.3.1. Because school has to be a place where they feel safe and happy.

1.4. (9)How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?

1.4.1. They found out that they were not that different.

1.5. (10)How are relationships healthier when the individuals involved have mutual respect?

1.5.1. Because you can trust them and make a relationships with people that can become friends.


2.1. (1)Why does Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?

2.1.1. Because they think that white people are mean because they used to have touble with theme.

2.2. (2)Most of the teachers at Wilson High do not dress in formal attire. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell chooses to wear business suits and pearls to class? What impression does this make? How do clothes, accessories, and make-up affect how other’s perceive you?

2.2.1. Because she wants to have a proffesional look and to be treated with respect. The clothes can affect the perception of others because it is the first thing they notice.

2.3. (3) How does Ms. Gruwell's upbringing, appearance, and attitude contrast with those of her students?

2.3.1. Answer

2.4. (4) Why did Erin Gruwell (Ms. G) decide to teach instead of being a lawyer?

2.4.1. Answer

2.5. (5) Describe Ms. G.s husband. What is his attitude towards her teaching career?

2.5.1. Answer


3.1. (1)Why are the students filled with such anger at the beginning of the movie? Do you think their anger is reasonable?

3.1.1. No because all she want to do is help them.

3.2. (2) Why are the students so unwilling to associate with anyone outside their ethnic/racial groups? Where does this intolerance come from?

3.2.1. Because it's a war for territories, and they all think that they are too diffirent

3.3. (3) Why aren’t Ms. Gruwell’s students motivated to succeed in school? What outside factors affect their ability to learn?

3.3.1. Because the most of the time they don't need eduction to survive, they think it's totally unnecessary

3.4. (4)Why do some of Ms. Gruwell’s students believe they won’t live past age 18?

3.4.1. Because everytime they are going out there is always the risk of beeing shot.

3.5. (5) What would you do to break the ethnic and racial barriers in Mrs. Gruwell’s classroom?

3.5.1. Make them realize that they are all in the same boat, that they are not that different.


4.1. (1)What is Eva’s (the Hispanic girl) view of herself and her “people”?

4.1.1. She thinks that she is in trouble with the gun thing, but she just want to be a normal girl but with her family situation it's a little bit complicated.

4.2. (2)What does the scene with the Cambodian girl and Eva show? What does it convey? What is the message?

4.2.1. The cambodian girl is happy that eva took her side and did the right thing to do.

4.3. (4)According to Eva, why was her father arrested?

4.3.1. Her father was innocent, but he get arrested because the police was thinking that he killed the neighbor

4.4. (5) What makes Eva choose to “go against her people” in the courtroom? Do you think this was a good decision? How do her family and friends react?

4.4.1. I think that she did the right thing because Erin told her that she should take the right decision and respect her-self. She told the truth to the judge because she wanted to be fair to her classmate (the Cambodian girl).


5.1. (6)What does Ms. G do when she finds the picture of Jamal? What historical event does she bring up?

5.1.1. Answer

5.2. (7)Why is this event relative to her students?

5.2.1. Answer

5.3. (8)Miep Gies, the woman who hid Anne Frank, is a hero to Ms. Gruwell’s students. What does Miep Gies mean when she tells Ms. Gruwell’s students, “You are heroes everyday.”?

5.3.1. Answer

5.4. (9) Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?

5.4.1. Answer