Freedom Writers

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Freedom Writers by Mind Map: Freedom Writers


1.1. (1)What is Eva’s (the Hispanic girl) view of herself and her “people”?

1.1.1. Answer: she think the white people are mean because they come inside of her home and the police bosted the father of Eva.

1.2. (2)What does the scene with the Cambodian girl and Eva show? What does it convey? What is the message?

1.2.1. Answer: the message is the, the spanish people don't like the cambodian people. they are's enemy.

1.3. (3)Why does Eva “hate white people”?

1.3.1. Answer: because the police came in the house of eva and bosted her father and the police was white. so this is why Eva don't like white people.

1.4. (4)According to Eva, why was her father arrested?

1.4.1. Answer: the father of Eva go help a man who just got shot whit a gun and the police think it was the father of Eva that killed the man.

1.5. (5) What makes Eva choose to “go against her people” in the courtroom? Do you think this was a good decision? How do her family and friends react?

1.5.1. Answer: it was a good idea because the friends of Eva wanted her to tell the thruth by saying that it was Paco that killed the guy and not the black guy.


2.1. (1)Why does Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?

2.1.1. Because she's white

2.2. (2)Most of the teachers at Wilson High do not dress in formal attire. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell chooses to wear business suits and pearls to class? What impression does this make? How do clothes, accessories, and make-up affect how other’s perceive you?

2.2.1. It prouf that she's not like them and she got a lot of money PATATES!!!

2.3. (3) How does Ms. Gruwell's upbringing, appearance, and attitude contrast with those of her students?

2.3.1. She cool and if they dont do something she dont panic because they have difficulties.

2.4. (4) Why did Erin Gruwell (Ms. G) decide to teach instead of being a lawyer?

2.4.1. because she like her students

2.5. (5) Describe Ms. G.s husband. What is his attitude towards her teaching career?

2.5.1. He dont like her job because this job dont give a lot of money and for payed all the activitys she has to do 2 other job


3.1. (6)What does Ms. G do when she finds the picture of Jamal? What historical event does she bring up?

3.1.1. Answer: She talks about the consequences of the drawing and she relates it with the jew holocaust.

3.2. (7)Why is this event relative to her students?

3.2.1. Answer: it relates the the unnecessary killing in the second world war.

3.3. (8)Miep Gies, the woman who hid Anne Frank, is a hero to Ms. Gruwell’s students. What does Miep Gies mean when she tells Ms. Gruwell’s students, “You are heroes everyday.”?

3.3.1. Answer: She means by they save themselves and they think about ideas to help other people everyday.

3.4. (9) Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?

3.4.1. Answer: Because she says its not supposed to happen like that in the stories and she relates that to her current lifestyle.


5. (6)Think about your own school or out-of-school activities. Are youth respectful of each other’s differences? Are there problems similar to those in Wilson High? If so, what steps can you take to initiate change?

5.1. Answer: no because we are in a good private school in a calm and a pacific neighbourhood


6.1. (1)Why are the students filled with such anger at the beginning of the movie? Do you think their anger is reasonable?

6.1.1. Answer: They are filled with anger because they live in a bad situation.

6.2. (3) Why aren’t Ms. Gruwell’s students motivated to succeed in school? What outside factors affect their ability to learn?

6.2.1. Answer: They need to protect themselves and studies are important for them. david....

6.3. (4)Why do some of Ms. Gruwell’s students believe they won’t live past age 18?

6.3.1. Answer: Because they they will die like the other people (gansta).

6.4. (5) What would you do to break the ethnic and racial barriers in Mrs. Gruwell’s classroom?

6.4.1. Answer: play games to make them know each others.


7.1. (8) Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship?

7.1.1. Answer: because we think if the students don't trust each others they wouldn't want to learn togeter

7.2. (7) Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?

7.2.1. Answer: bacause they are all gansters who are dangerous and they all have a bad behavior

7.3. (9)How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?

7.3.1. Answer: first they start to play a game with a red tape and they saw they have a lot in common. And they read a book about anne frank and they wanted to invite miep geis to the school so they started to do activities togeter and they start to like each others

7.4. (10)How are relationships healthier when the individuals involved have mutual respect?

7.4.1. Answer: they all became friends the girls share their makeup the boys start to have handshakes. they work on a common project. they believe at the same thing.