IntAct NAR 2010

Organisation of the NAR 2010 IntAct paper

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IntAct NAR 2010 by Mind Map: IntAct NAR 2010

1. Other ideas

1.1. PSI-MI XML 1.0 to be retired

1.2. tabular data

1.3. Data model supports confidence

2. TODOs

2.1. check if dataset are in the advanced search

2.2. add dataset description page

2.2.1. list of clickable dataset

2.3. add curated complex page

2.4. Add documentation on how to setup Solr

2.5. Add code sample illustrating how to use intact-core 2.0.x

2.6. import DrugBank

2.7. import MSD data

2.8. release artifacts at Google Code

2.8.1. TAB

2.8.2. XML

2.8.3. intact-kickstart source with deps source without deps

2.9. Did you know ?

2.9.1. programatic access to intact

2.10. intaction tab: add link to programatic access

2.11. Fix gene name queries in intact-view

2.12. Fix ontology suggestion selection

3. Future Development

3.1. new MITAB format

3.2. more features to the web site

3.2.1. MyIntAct notify me when new data is released

3.2.2. Molecule set search

3.2.3. Other ?

3.3. new curation tool

3.4. IMEx exchange

4. Abstract (200 words max)

5. Intro

5.1. data growth and need to cope with it

5.2. why did we need a new web site

5.2.1. Limitation of the old web site performance

5.2.2. better UI for users

5.2.3. addressing emerging user needs

5.3. from ppi interaction database to molecular interaction database

6. Discussion

6.1. intact community

6.1.1. intact-users

6.1.2. intact-developers

6.2. aims to do weekly releases

7. New web site

7.1. find a dataset to use as example

7.2. rational

7.2.1. binary interaction representation

7.2.2. evidence based browsing

7.2.3. tab oriented web site

7.3. searching

7.3.1. MIQL refer to PSICQUIC paper

7.3.2. ontology support which ontologies suggestions

7.3.3. compound substructure search

7.3.4. advanced field search (uniprot like)

7.4. interaction table

7.4.1. configure the view

7.4.2. filter spoke expanded interactions

7.4.3. more export formats refer to XML and TAB APIs

7.4.4. sorting

7.4.5. opening the detailed view

7.5. interaction details

7.5.1. overall description

7.5.2. how to find similar interactions

7.6. browsing

7.6.1. By ontology GO Chebi

7.6.2. By molecule type

7.6.3. Linkout

7.6.4. By Uniprot Taxonomy

7.7. List view

7.7.1. molecule involved by type

7.7.2. linkout

7.8. molecule view (Dasty2)

7.9. visualization

7.9.1. Simple view (HV)

7.9.2. cytoscape integration

8. Curation

8.1. standards

8.2. dataset

8.3. complexes

8.4. data stats

8.4.1. breakdown protein/SM if MSD/DrugBank imported

8.5. CVs

8.6. data submission

8.6.1. how to get in touch ?

8.6.2. privacy statement

9. Local Installation

9.1. point to the local install page

9.1.1. page does not exist though

9.2. local install

9.2.1. can support small scale

9.2.2. can support large production grade

9.2.3. technical requirements RDBMS web server web site solr

10. Libraries and APIs

10.1. point out to code snippets (kickstart)

10.2. library availability

10.2.1. open source

10.2.2. where to find them link to Google Code

10.3. Rintact & Rpsimixml

10.4. Remote API

10.4.1. PSICQUIC