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Making it stick by Mind Map: Making it stick

1. simple

1.1. find the core

1.1.1. commanders intent

1.2. share the core

1.2.1. proverbs

1.2.2. visual proverbs palm pilot wooden block

1.2.3. use what's there pomelo

2. story

2.1. stories as flight simulators

2.1.1. mirror neurons

2.1.2. how I got here

2.2. stories as inspiration

2.2.1. Jared the subway dieter

2.2.2. challenge

2.2.3. connection

2.2.4. creativity

3. emotional

3.1. make people care

3.2. Mother Theresa principle

3.3. appeal to self interest

3.3.1. "They laughed at me when I..."

3.3.2. get out of Maslow's basement

3.3.3. visualising what it could do for you

3.3.4. Flyod Lee and his Iraq mess tent "I'm in charge of morale"

3.4. appeal to identity

3.4.1. don't mess with texas

3.4.2. firemen who rejected popcorn popper

4. credible

4.1. external credibility

4.1.1. authority vs anti-authority Pam Laffin the smoker

4.2. internal credibility

4.3. convincing details

4.3.1. Darth Vader Toothbrush

4.3.2. dancing 73 yr old

4.4. make statistics accessible

4.4.1. nuclear warheads as BBs

4.4.2. human scale principle

4.5. Sinatra test

5. unexpected

5.1. get attention / surprise

5.1.1. break pattern flight safety announcement

5.1.2. the Nordie who

5.2. hold attention

5.2.1. create mystery

5.2.2. gap theory of curiosity

6. concrete

6.1. Aesop's sour grapes fable

6.2. find common ground

6.2.1. engineers vs manufacturers