Implementing new tools collaboration for a group communication or a small class

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Implementing new tools collaboration for a group communication or a small class by Mind Map: Implementing new tools collaboration for a group communication or a small class

1. thought process

1.1. use new method of presentation

1.2. have the class participate

1.3. tools have to be free

1.4. easy to use

1.5. easy to set tup

2. conclusions after presentation

3. tools

3.1. tok box

3.1.1. took two steps to get started works with other popular chat clients like google yahoo msn

3.1.2. video confranceing tool

3.1.3. free

3.2. mind meister

3.2.1. took five steps to get satred and made this presntation

3.2.2. mapping tool for brain storming

3.2.3. free

3.3. yuuguu

3.3.1. free

3.3.2. needs install

3.3.3. works with other chat clients

3.4. google groups

3.4.1. took two steps to set up has lots of helpful tools disscisions pages files to be shared integrates well with google existing tools

3.4.2. faster if u have google account

3.4.3. free