(CHOICE) Problem Statement: Increasing number of obese children in Singapore

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(CHOICE) Problem Statement: Increasing number of obese children in Singapore by Mind Map: (CHOICE) Problem Statement: Increasing number of obese children in Singapore

1. Limitations

1.1. The HHF and TAF programme limits to monitor the children in schools only. what is done outside school compounds cannot be controlled

1.2. The HLI only show users how to improve their health behaviour but there is no one to monitor the user to ensure that he heads the advices given and change their lifestyle

2. Existing Solutions

2.1. Health Promotion Board introduced the Healthy Lifestyle Index(HLI) to provide Singaporeans with a health assessment tool that allows people to gauge their health habits and make meaningful improvements in their health behaviour

2.2. The Tran and Fit(TAF) programme was introduced that targeted child obesity in schools between 1992 and 2007. Obese children under the programme were educated on nutrition, calorie control and participated in intense physical exercise and activities

2.3. Introduction of the Holistic Health Framework(HHF) to ensure total well being of the students, one of the components being obesity

3. GAPS in Current Solution

3.1. The HLI is not well known to Singaporens. Not many people use it as they do not find a problem with their current eating habits and see that there is no need for it

3.2. Students do not take the TAF programme seriously and treat it as a socialising session

4. Why is it a choice

4.1. Students have a choice to choose what they are going to have for their meals.They are not forced to eat whatever that their parents has provided them. After school,many students can be seen having their meals at fast food restaurants.

4.2. why do students choose unhealthy food over healthier ones?

5. Choice of target group

5.1. Healthy lifestyles have to be cultivated from young, as a person grows, it becomes harder for them to change their diets and habits

6. Problem being prelavent

6.1. Increasing rates of childhood obesity have been reported in many countries over the last 20 to 30 yearsSimilarly, the prevalence of childhood overweight/obesity in Singapore has increased over the past few decades and currently stands at 11%4, 5. 2. Obesity ranks as the fifth leading risk for death globally6. Childhood obesity is an international public health concern as it is associated not only with an increased risk of adult obesity and non-communicable diseases (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes), but also with a number of immediate health-related problems (e.g. hypertension, insulin resistance)6. The risk factors for obesity include a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods and beverages.1. Increasing rates of childhood obesity have been reported in many countries over the last 20 to 30 years1, 2, 3. Similarly, the prevalence of childhood overweight/obesity in Singapore has increased over the past few decades and currently stands at 11%4, 5.

7. Root Causes

7.1. Lack of information about the dangers of unhealthy eating habits

7.2. Food Advertising- evidence found by World Health Organisation (WHO) saw links between food advertising and the consumption of unhealthy food

7.3. Parents do not think that obesity among children is dangerous but think that it is a norm instead

8. Outcome

8.1. High chances of contracting illnesses such as high blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases in the future Affects the lives of the students themselves.After being a parent in the future, their children will follow in their footsteps andthe trend carry on.

8.2. Poor self image of the students themselves. People that are obese are often criticised and mocked by others, making them feel like they are not a part of society. Bringing abt depression in due course. Affecting the mntal health of the students, which affects their studies and future

9. Solution

9.1. Schools should distribute a pedometer to every student. Then, announce that there will be a competition amongst the students. The students are to return the pedometers to the teachers for checking everyday. the student with the most number of steps wins.

9.1.1. This will raise the competitiveness in students and also allow them to have fun while exercising. This solution can also ensure that students are working out at home and not only in school. This will also remove the gaps in the current solutions.