procreation stories

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procreation stories by Mind Map: procreation stories

1. pro-choice narratives

1.1. Kay Bellevue

1.1.1. grew up in the midwest

1.1.2. oldest of seven children

1.1.3. daughter of a baptist minister

1.1.4. active in the La Leche League

1.1.5. mother to four children

1.1.6. strong commitment to maintain family ties

1.2. Janice Sundstrom

1.2.1. only attended Catholic parochial school

1.2.2. married one year after high school

1.2.3. had two children soon after marriage

1.2.4. views of birth control changed her view about church

1.2.5. disturbed by cultural currents that promote "narcissistic" attitudes about sexuality

1.2.6. trying to improve conditions in a less than perfect world

2. Reproduction, Generation and Nurturance

2.1. activist span the divide religious, ethnic, and occupational lines

2.1.1. Establish checkpoints

2.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

2.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

2.2. core of the membership on both sides is primarily white, middle class, and female

2.2.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

2.2.2. Schedule Meetings

2.2.3. Brief Project Board

2.2.4. Prepare Meetings

2.2.5. Conduct Meetings

2.2.6. Follow-up Meeting

2.3. women described their encounter with the movements as a kind of awakening or passage from a world defined by motherhood

2.3.1. Schedule Quality Review Meeting

2.3.2. Prepare for Quality Review Meeting

2.3.3. Conduct Quality Review Meeting

2.3.4. Follow-up Quality Review Meeting

2.4. both positions service to "naturalize" constructions regarding women't work, sexuality, and motherhood , and the relationships among them.

2.4.1. Conduct Team Status Review

2.4.2. Create Status Report

2.5. Nurturance is claimed by activists as a source of moral authority for female action.

2.5.1. Request Changes

2.5.2. Identify Alternative Solutions

2.5.3. Conduct Steering Committee Meeting

2.5.4. Document Change Responses

2.5.5. Implement Change(s)

2.6. Activists' views on abortion are linked to a very diverse range of moral, ethical, and religious questions

2.6.1. Identify Project Issues

2.6.2. Assess Impact of Issues

2.6.3. Assign Resources

2.6.4. Resolve Issue

3. right-to-life narratives

3.1. Shirley (no last name given)

3.1.1. part time nurse

3.1.2. mother to six

3.1.3. well known member of Fargo's middle class

3.2. Helen (no last name given)

3.2.1. raised in an elite Fargo Lutheran family

3.2.2. masters in social work

3.2.3. mother to three children

3.2.4. was pro choice until her mother died

3.3. Sally Nordsen

3.3.1. worked as a social worker for seven years

3.3.2. decided to leave the workforce to be a stay at home mom

3.4. Roberta (no last name given)

3.4.1. decision to leave the workplace represents a critique of what she considers to be the materialism of the dominant culture.

3.4.2. quoted as stating "You know, reasons given for most abortions is how much kids cost. How much work kids are, how much they can change your lifestyle, how they interrupt the timing of your goals. What is ten years out of a 70-year life span?"