Final game idea

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Final game idea by Mind Map: Final game idea

1. how to play

1.1. How to play

1.1.1. When the player (main character) sees an agent appear to catch him, the player should select one of the animals according to the current situation. Then the appearance of the main character will switch to the selected animal for dodging the agent. How to Win Different number of agents will be arranged in each location (the more difficult the level, the more agents will be arranged) Successful dodging (turn into an appropriate animal and is not discovered) in one location can proceed to the next level.(location) How to Lose 1. Didn't turn into any animals and discovered by the agent 2. Turn into an inappropriate animal (e.g. turned into a dolphin in the park which does not make any sense and suspicious)

1.2. Difficulties in harder levels

1.2.1. Shortened time for selection The agent will appear in a short distance with the main character, such that the player has to respond quickly. The agent will hide behind the objects (like trees, rubbish bin). The player may not notice the agents immediately.

1.2.2. Unclear selections When the main character touches some apparatuses form the lab, he will be faint and feel dizzy. The options of selecting the animals will become blurred. It enhanced the difficulties during selection. The options may only show part of the animals. The player has to guess the whole picture and the corresponding animal. This makes the player harder to select an appropriate animal for switching.

1.2.3. random distribution of the animal the animal will randomly distributed in the selection area, so the player need to find the suitable animal quickly

1.3. Easter Egg ( on the road)

1.3.1. Some objects on the scene are useful tools for the player. E.g. after clicking a small rock (Easter egg) on the road, the time for selections will be increased. So the player gets more time to react.

1.3.2. The Easter eggs are optional for player to interact. There is no drawback if the player could not find the Easter eggs.

1.4. Controls

1.4.1. Mouse Choosing the animal, clicking eastereggs, buttons (left click)

1.4.2. Keyboard Opening the option window for choosing the animal (spacebar)

2. Game ideas

2.1. story

2.1.1. Queenie A guy was genetically modified that he can change to whatever animals after an experimental, he managed to escape the lab which the agent from the secret organization will look for him.

2.1.2. Sam A university student, Samson is a part-time new zoo keeper. He fell asleep because he has stayed up for his SD assignment. So, he wants to take a rest in the computer room where people rarely go. When he wakes up, he finds out that he is locked in the zoo. Therefore, he wants to find the key in the zoo.

2.1.3. Hailey A large population has lost their lives because of the outbreak of virus in city W in 2020. Howard accidentally accessed his dad’s memories of investigation on the virus by touching his dead body. Howard was depressed and commited suicide. Then he time travelled back to 2015. He decides to stop the virus plan in the lab in any way.

3. Game Interface

3.1. Gamplay Area

3.2. Menu Button

3.2.1. Pause/ Resume Button

3.2.2. Credit Button

3.2.3. Help Button

3.2.4. Easter Egg Collection

3.2.5. Quit Button

4. character

4.1. an ordinary guy who was chosen by a genetic modifying laboratory.

4.2. could change to various animals after genetical modifications

4.3. would like to escape from the lab but the agents are chasing him

5. objective

5.1. to escape from being caught by the lab agents by to turning into different animals

6. challenge

6.1. The player has to respond immediately when he sees an agent appearing: The animal options will be different in each round of selections.

6.2. With higher levels, the game will be more complex.

7. style

7.1. 2D third person view

7.2. Cute, simple, colourful

8. place

8.1. park

8.1.1. place to hide agents underbrush

8.1.2. animal butterfly bee

8.2. mountain

8.2.1. place to hide agents gazebo(涼亭) stone

8.2.2. animal Sus scrofa(野豬)

8.3. road

8.3.1. place to hide agents rubbish bin

8.3.2. animal dog cat

8.4. beach

8.4.1. place to hide agents sun umbrella

8.4.2. animal crab starfish(海星)

8.5. farm

8.5.1. place to hide agents scarecrow cornfield(玉米田)

8.5.2. animal frog cow