7A Beaks of Birds

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7A Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: 7A Beaks of Birds

1. Pelican characterised by a long beak and large throat pouch used in catching prey and draining water from the scooped up contains before swallowing

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3. A eagle has a beak called a hooked like.

4. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

5. How is the beak useful to the pelican?

5.1. The beak is for catching prey

6. What kind of beak does the pelican have?

6.1. Scoop beak

7. How is the beak useful to the sparrow?

7.1. It is for eating insects

8. What kind of beak does the sparrow have?

8.1. horny beak

9. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

9.1. Drilling the wood

10. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

10.1. Strong and strudy

11. How is the beak useful to the eagle?

11.1. The beak is for tearing their preys apart

12. Sparrow

13. Woodpecker

14. Pelican

15. Eagle