My Family

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My Family by Mind Map: My Family

1. Mom

1.1. Nancy Deutsch

1.1.1. HS PE Teacher

1.1.2. Head Volleyball Coach

2. Sister

2.1. Robin Holt

2.1.1. Robin is the oldest sibling in our family, she went to MSU before me, and she went into Business Ed. She taught in Grand Forks for three years, and is now going to graduate school to be a librarian. She is currently the elementary librarian in Grafton, ND.

3. Brother-in-Law

3.1. Dan Holt

3.1.1. The new person in our family.

4. Dad

4.1. Paul Deutsch

4.1.1. He is a real-estate agent in Watford City. He enjoys growing vegetables during the summer, he has two greenhouses for this hobby. He has a boat so he can go fishing.

5. Brother

5.1. Brian Deutsch

5.1.1. Works on the Rail Road