Class Rules

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Class Rules by Mind Map: Class Rules

1. You are responsible for yourself.

1.1. Keep track of your work.

1.2. Put your things away when you're done using it.

1.3. Hand in work on time.

1.4. Bring your homework back to school the next day.

2. Line up at the door when the bell is rung.

2.1. Face the front.

2.2. Stand quietly.

2.3. Put your signal on.

3. Raise your hand!

3.1. When you want to ask a question.

3.2. When you want to answer a question.

3.3. When you want to make a comment.

4. Try to reach the teachers expectations of you.

5. Be quiet when the teacher is talking.

5.1. Stop what you're doing

5.2. Look at the teacher.

5.3. Listen to the teacher.

6. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

6.1. Be kind.

6.2. Include others.

6.3. Be respectful.