6B Beaks of Birds

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6B Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: 6B Beaks of Birds

1. horny beak

2. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

3. hook like beak

4. How is the beak useful to the pelican?

4.1. it helps to grab food

5. What kind of beak does the pelican have?

5.1. A scoop beak

6. How is the beak useful to the sparrow?

6.1. a small beak to eat worms

6.2. a small beak to feed its young

6.3. use as tools

7. What kind of beak does the sparrow have?

7.1. a small beak

7.2. short,hard and

8. Sparrow

9. Woodpecker

9.1. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

10. Eagle

10.1. How is the beak useful to the eagle?

10.2. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

11. pelican

12. a woodpecker uses its beak for pecking at barks on trees.

13. long beak

14. sharp beak