6F Beaks of Birds

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6F Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: 6F Beaks of Birds

1. How is the beak useful to the Pelican?

2. What kind of beak does the Pelican have?

3. The beak of the Pelican is useful to it because it helps it to catch fish.

4. It has a pouch-like sharp beak.

5. Sparrows have short, hard and triangular beaks.

6. The beaks are used for grinding seeds and digging insects.

7. The beaks are used to drill wood and chip away tree bark and even for drilling into the tree's inner bark to obtain food or make a home.The beaks are also used for drumming, which is the male's way of signalling to his mate or declaring his territory to other woodpecker.

8. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

9. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

10. Eagle have a heavy and hooked beak

11. Woodpeckers have strong and stout chisel-like beaks which taper to the tip.

12. Sparrow

13. Woodpecker

14. Pelican

15. Eagle

15.1. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

15.2. How is the beak useful to the eagle?

16. The eagle beak is for catching and tearing prey