Setting up a working space and assign permissions
by Diego Bonilla
1. Create and share folder
1.1. Name of folder
1.1.1. "COMS106 - Folder - Doe Jane"
1.2. Editing permissions
1.2.1. [email protected]
1.2.2. DO NOT notify
2. Create presentation
2.1. Name of presentation
2.1.1. "COMS106 - Information - Doe John"
2.2. Basic Information
2.2.1. Full name
2.2.2. Major and minor (if any)
2.3. Brief Biography (150 words)
2.3.1. Write a brief biography. Do you have an activity that you enjoy so much that it makes you lose track of time? What is it?
2.4. Photograph
2.4.1. Your face is clearly visible
2.4.2. Brief description of the photograph
2.5. Screen captures
3. Share presentation
3.1. Inherited editing permissions for [email protected]
3.2. Viewing permissions
3.2.1. Other students