The Basic Structure of Earth

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The Basic Structure of Earth by Mind Map: The Basic Structure of Earth

1. Asthenosphere

1.1. Upper mantle below lithosphere

2. Earth

2.1. Core

2.1.1. Outer-Liquid

2.1.2. Inner-Solid

2.2. Mantle

2.2.1. Upper (transition zone)

2.2.2. Lower

2.3. Crust

2.3.1. Continental

2.3.2. Oceanic

3. Lithosphere

3.1. Crust

3.2. Upper Mantle

4. Ocean Floor

4.1. Mid-ocean ridges

4.2. Trenches

4.3. Fracture zone

5. Type of lithosphere

5.1. Granitic crust

5.2. Basaltic crust