Camera Shots Joshua McMahan

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Camera Shots Joshua McMahan by Mind Map: Camera Shots Joshua McMahan

1. Rule of Thirds

1.1. Position your focal point on the rule of thirds.

1.2. Have 9 sections. Where the 4 points intersect, place the subject.

2. Long Shot

2.1. Full human figure or view

2.2. Capture some of the environment.

3. Midshot

3.1. Cuts the subject off at the waist.

3.2. Captures a closer look while still including the environment.

4. Close-Up Shot

4.1. Contains the head and shoulder of the subject.

4.2. Captures emotion or intimacy

5. Extreme Close-Up Shot

5.1. Cuts of the chin and top of head.

5.2. Creates strong visual impact.