Sophomore Persuasive Essay

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Sophomore Persuasive Essay by Mind Map: Sophomore Persuasive Essay

1. Vote

2. Polygamy

3. Capital Punishment

4. Smoking

4.1. In Public Places

5. Legalizing Marijuana

6. Drinking

6.1. Raise/Lower Age

6.2. Consequences for driving

7. Gay Marriage Rights

8. Animal

8.1. Zoos

8.2. Testing

9. Outsourcing

9.1. Jobs

9.2. Manufacturing

10. Elections

10.1. Voter ID

10.2. Electoral college

11. Child Law

11.1. Limit # of kids (China)

11.2. Labor requirements

12. Driver's License

12.1. Lower Age

12.2. Restrictions

12.3. Cell phone use

13. Oil

13.1. Offshore Drilling

13.2. Costs

13.3. Alternative Fuels

14. Abortion

15. Gun Control

15.1. Arming Schools

16. Immigration

16.1. Illegal

16.2. Legal

17. Healthcare

17.1. Medicare

17.2. Gvt. Provided

17.3. Costs

18. Miltary

18.1. GI Bill

18.2. Support

18.3. Pay

18.4. Don't Ask/Don't Tell

18.5. Women in Combat

18.6. Use of Force - when to use it?

19. Food Stamps

19.1. Requirements to Qualify

19.1.1. Brand purchases

19.1.2. Drug Testing

19.2. Limit Time Period

20. Welfare

20.1. Time Period

20.2. Qualify

21. Unemployment

21.1. How long can you get benefits?

21.2. Drug testing

21.3. What types of benefits?

22. Housing Crisis

22.1. Funding

22.2. Foreclosure

23. Foreign Policy

23.1. Nuclear Issues

23.2. Oil