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The Sun by Mind Map: The Sun

1. Basic Structure

1.1. Radiation Zone

1.2. 6 layers

1.2.1. Radiation Zone

1.2.2. Core

1.2.3. Corona

1.2.4. Photosphere

1.2.5. Chromosphere

1.2.6. Convective Zone

2. Composition

2.1. Gas

2.1.1. Hydrogen

2.1.2. Helium

2.2. Gravity holds it together

3. Generates Energy

3.1. nuclear fusion

3.1.1. hydrogen is turned to hellium

3.1.2. two low-mass nuclei join together

3.1.3. Einstein's Theory

3.2. Burning Theory

3.3. Shrinking Theory

4. Surface Activity

4.1. Sunspots

4.1.1. Cooler parts of photosphere of sun

4.1.2. change size and location

4.1.3. pattern of 11-year cycles

4.2. Solar Flares

4.2.1. extreme hot-spot

4.2.2. caused by magnetic fields

4.2.3. affect electric communications on Earth

4.3. Climate Confusion

4.3.1. sunspots may affect temperatures on Earth (Ice Age)