Online Marketing Blueprint

Family Health Chiropractic Clinic Singapore Marketing projection

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Online Marketing Blueprint by Mind Map: Online Marketing Blueprint

1. Google Search Ranking

1.1. Action Point 1: To focus on keywords with highly targeted buyers in your niche.

1.2. Action Point 2 : To prepare a battle strategy for ranking the website in the top-10 search result (page 1 of google) for high competitive keywords. The formula that i'm going to implement does not normally grab only 1 spot among the top 10 competitors for the targeted keywords like any other SEO companies that offered their service in the market today. My formula has been successfully proven to conquer at least 2-3 spots in the top-10, meaning 2-3 pages from your website will be sitting in top-10 for the said keyword which resulting in 2-3 previously strong competitors kicked out of 1st page into page 2 of google. [ Go to and type "resistance tubings in singapore" in the google search bar. You will find that has 2 different pages sitting at top 1 & 2 of the search results with an estimate of 31,600,000 competitors! ]

2. Media Domination (Youtube Videos & Press Release)

2.1. Action Point 1: Press Release is a very common term in business; but i'm not talking about expensive newspaper advertisements and magazine ads that mostly will only display your ads for 1 day (newspaper) or 1 month for magazine publishing. What i'm referring here is online press release syndications to 400 global/major online newspapers, televisions and radio broadcasts! for only one third fraction of the cost you need to fork out to advertise a half page of advertistment in Straits Times or any magazines...and the after effect in terms of online exposure and visitors' outreach from this syndication is gigantic! Furthermore, the lifespan for 1 publication can be up to 2 weeks.

2.2. Action Point 2: Youtube is categorized as one of the largest visited sites by millions of internet audience, hence we are going to grab a share of the big pie, with geo-target setting to attract singapore audience only. A series of introduction videos (one of it is the Scribe Video that we're discussing about) and a couple of client testimonial videos will be implemented and uploaded into your brand new youtube channel. All these videos will then be populated like viral in related keyword searches in youtube as well as google.

3. NOTICE :- To expand each segment, please click on the "+" sign at the bottom right/left corner of each 4 main boxes above. To illustrate what this means, i've already expand the segment "Google Authorship" by clicking the "+" button. Also you can adjust the position of this map by hold-left click on any part of the screen and just drag this map to any position you want.

4. Google Places

4.1. This is one of the most important elements if you really want to succeed online. A local business with a website but without effective online exposure, especially in Google place means that the business virtually doesn't exist in the eyes of online audience. However, even if one have already registered his/her business in Google Places, chances are his/her listing will be buried deep within the mass listing of other competitors in the same business and this is the biggest frustrations among business owners. My task here is to rank you among the top listing of places Singaporeans will look for when searching for a chiropractor here in singapore.

5. Google Authorship


5.2. Action : I've noticed that you currently write a number of useful articles in your website and i'm suggesting that instead of delivering all your articles to newsletter subscribers only, why not expose yourself as an authority in your subject to the mass audience? Please click on the blue link above to learn more about "Google Authorship". My job here is to rank high all your website articles in the related keyword terms.