Things That Live Around Here

Critters us folk have found in this speck of Bath County

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Things That Live Around Here by Mind Map: Things That Live Around Here

1. Animals

1.1. Birds

1.1.1. Whippoorwill

1.1.2. Turkey Vulture

1.1.3. Red-tailed Hawk

1.1.4. Cooper's Hawk

1.1.5. Eastern Screech-owl

1.1.6. Great horned owl

1.1.7. Eastern Kingbird

1.1.8. Eastern Wood-pewee

1.1.9. Carolina Chickadee

1.1.10. Red-winged Blackbird

1.1.11. Purple Martin

1.1.12. American Crow

1.1.13. Brown-headed Cowbird

1.1.14. Baltimore Oriole

1.1.15. American robin

1.1.16. Eastern Bluebird

1.1.17. Chipping Sparrow

1.1.18. Song Sparrow

1.1.19. Tufted titmouse

1.1.20. Northern Cardinal

1.1.21. Wood Duck

1.1.22. Mourning Dove

1.1.23. Northern Flicker

1.1.24. Downy Woodpecker

1.1.25. Hairy Woodpecker

1.1.26. red bellied woodpecker

1.1.27. Pileated Woodpecker

1.1.28. Ruffled Grouse

1.1.29. Northern Bobwhite

1.1.30. Wild Turkey

1.1.31. Winter Wren

1.1.32. Barred owl

1.1.33. Purple Finch

1.1.34. Whit-throated Sparrow

1.1.35. Little Blue Heron???

1.1.36. Fox Sparrow

1.1.37. Rose-breasted grosbeak

1.1.38. Blue grosbeak

1.1.39. Common Yellowthroat

1.1.40. Jack will's widow

1.1.41. Bald Eagle

1.1.42. Red Shouldered Hawk

1.2. Fish

2. Reptiles/Amphibians

2.1. Eastern Box Turtle

2.2. Snapping Turtle

2.3. Frogs

2.3.1. American Toad

2.3.2. Tree frogs Moldy tree frog

2.4. Rat snake

2.5. Hog nose snake

2.6. Eastern Milk Snake

3. 6-8 leggers

3.1. Black Widow

3.2. Green assasin bug

3.3. Cicada

3.4. Cluster fly

3.5. Lady bug

3.6. Grandaddy longlegs

3.7. Luna Moth

3.8. Question Mark Butterfly

3.9. Fruit fly

3.10. Fleas

3.11. Tics

3.11.1. Lone star

3.11.2. Dog

3.12. Hummingbird Moth

3.13. Clymene Moth

3.13.1. my photo

3.14. Pandorus Sphinx Moth

3.15. Slug Caterpillar Moth

3.16. Question Mark Caterpillar

3.16.1. Polygonia interrogationis

3.17. Salt marsh moth

3.17.1. gps location

3.18. Harnessed tiger moth

3.19. Walnut caterpillar

3.20. White marked tussock moth caterpillar

4. New Topic

5. Mammals

5.1. Bat

5.2. Coyotes

5.3. Groundhog

5.4. Squirrel - types?

5.5. White-tailed deer

5.6. Bobcat

5.7. Mountain Lion ask holly??!!?

5.8. Marsupials

5.8.1. Opposum

5.9. Raccoon

5.10. Skunk

5.11. Eastern Cottontail

5.12. Gray Fox

5.13. Weasel

6. Trees

6.1. Eastern Red Cedar

6.2. American Elm

6.3. Chinquapin Oak

6.4. Black Locust

6.5. Honey Locust

6.6. Sycamore

6.7. Tulip Tree/Tulip poplar

6.8. Hackberry

6.9. Pawpaw

6.10. Shagbark Hickory

6.11. Green/White Ash

6.12. Black Cherry

6.13. Hemlock (Eastern)

6.14. Carolina Buckthorn

6.15. Kentucky coffee tree

6.16. Eastern Hop Hornbeam

6.17. Buckeye

6.18. Slippery elm

6.19. Hedge Apple


6.21. Northern red oak

6.22. White oak

6.23. Black haw

7. Grasses

7.1. Foxtails

7.2. Purple Top

7.3. Giant cane

7.4. Broom Sage

7.5. Bluegrass

8. Fungus/Lichen

8.1. Sulphur Shelf Fungus - Laetiporous sulphureous

8.2. Cedar Apple Rust

8.3. Dead man's fingers

8.4. Turkey tail

8.5. Chicken of the woods

8.6. oyster

9. Interesting inanimate things and landmarks

9.1. The Bench Mark

10. Invasives

10.1. Bushg Honeysuckle

10.2. Tree of Heavean

10.3. Privet

10.4. stilt grass

10.5. callery pear

10.6. japanese barberry

11. Plants

11.1. Yellow giant- hysso