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Illustration! by Mind Map: Illustration!

1. Current Illustrators

1.1. Leo Espinosa

1.2. Gary Baseman

1.3. Steve Brodner

1.4. Chris Buzelli

1.5. John Cuneo

2. Obstacles

2.1. Adaption

2.1.1. Animation Expectations

2.1.2. Digital Capabilities

2.1.3. Speed

2.1.4. Graphic Design

2.2. "Death" of Print

2.3. Widespread Competition

3. Basics

3.1. Definition

3.2. Where Illustration can be Seen

3.2.1. Print

3.2.2. Digital

4. Print vs. Digital

4.1. Print

4.1.1. New York

4.1.2. Character and Personality

4.1.3. Technique Originality

4.1.4. Lack of Flexibility

4.2. Digital

4.2.1. California

4.2.2. Speed and Flexibility

4.2.3. Easily Reproduced

4.2.4. Limitations

5. Jobs

5.1. Traditional Illustrator

5.2. Graphic Design

5.3. Fine Artist

5.4. Textile or Surface Design

5.5. Art Direction