MTC Group

MTC Vision for Christian

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MTC Group by Mind Map: MTC Group

1. 1. Limitless Agency (The Opener)

1.1. Sales Digitalization Agency (Every industry needs sales & marketing) - We are the new sales partner of every industry

1.1.1. Goals Fastest way to build 10 Mio+ Cashflow Enter & Learning new industry sectors by solving industry and customer problems Real Estate, SaaS, Ecommerce, Retail, Luxury Brands, Mechanical Enginnering, FMCG, Food & Beverage, Fitness, Gastronomy, Esports, Finance, Blockchain etc. Get industry insights by working with the customers in B2C & B2B sectors & building a network with multipliers

1.1.2. Short Summarize Conventional methods such as cold calling, print, simple advertisements or SEO have lost their effectiveness. They no longer attract enough attention. Therefore, in a highly developed country like Germany alone, 1.88 billion euros are spent on internet agencies every year (average growth + 5%) to improve their performance

2. 2. Influencer Agency (The Ambassador)

2.1. Business Developement Agency for Influencers (every influencer needs monetization options) - We are the new manager for the best influencers & artists

2.1.1. Goal Win & Control opinion leaders worldwide in order to push our own products fast & cheap by influencer relationships Get in touch with the new opportunities of NFT Blockchain

2.1.2. Short Summarize Most influencers have no idea about blockchain, let alone know the technical possibilities and conception in order to generate further income streams with the advantages, for example with NFT, that we can develop for them. Great artists have already proven that there is a huge demand for NFT content.

3. 3. FCMG & Private Label Brands (The Crowd Favourit)

3.1. Development & establishment of new product brands in Fitness, Health & Lifestyle - We combine our influencer power with new trends & products to create an unprecedented market power

3.1.1. Goal Building of new 10 to 100 million value brands world wide conquer new mass trends and secure niches (Like Nestle & Coca Cola Group)

3.1.2. Short Summarize With good relationships to opinion leaders, we can create new brands relatively quickly instead of buying up new companies like Nestle & Coca Cola or entering into expensive, risky advertising deals with influencers

4. 4. New Business (The Unicorn)

4.1. Adapting tried and tested concepts to new markets - We build and promote established new business models in other countries faster

4.1.1. Goal Find & build the next unicorn (Sellanycar, Uber, Deliveryhero etc.)

4.1.2. Short Summarize There is a trend that can be used, for example American trends sooner or later spill over to Europe and from Europe to the rest of the world. Here the trends have to be picked up and built up faster. (like Rocket Internet SE, but way smarter)

5. 5. Tokenizing & Blockchain (The Game Changer)

5.1. Tokenize every industry to the future - We tokenize every asset and every industry to prepare people for a new world

5.1.1. Goal Building new billion $ companies, through beeing early adapters & growing to global players in a new world of tokenizing after the age of digitalization (like chiliz - the tokenizer of the sports industry)

5.1.2. Short Summarize With the accumulated experience of building and scaling companies as well as the first nft concepts, new blockchain applications can be scaled super quickly - Rocket Blockchain