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Wetlands by Mind Map: Wetlands

1. Field Testing

1.1. Student-designed Field Study

1.2. quantitative data

1.3. qualitative data

2. Recommendations

2.1. Stay healthy

2.2. become healthier

3. Knowledge of human impacts

4. Communication

4.1. Municipalities

4.2. School

4.3. Stakeholders

4.4. Provincial

4.4.1. AWQA

4.4.2. Alberta Environment

5. Experience different wetlands and share ideas

5.1. intial field trip

5.1.1. sketches

5.1.2. video/photos

5.1.3. sound bytes

5.1.4. writing/journals

5.2. what makes a wetland a wetland?

5.3. what medium to share information and learning between classes?

5.4. same week

5.4.1. what timing?

5.4.2. Start middle of May and go through June

5.4.3. coordinate some SKYPE time

5.4.4. Rainbow Creek trip to Weaselhead May 27th

5.4.5. students should have some face time with other classes

5.4.6. CSS students visit Rainbow Creek

6. Wetland vs Development

7. Global Water Supply

7.1. Water Quality

7.2. Supply concerns

8. Biodiversity