From the diary of Anne Frank

class 10th ncert chapter 4 concept map

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From the diary of Anne Frank by Mind Map: From the diary of Anne Frank

1. School

1.1. Classmates

1.1.1. It's told that two boys sitting behind her and her classmates have staked their entire holiday savings on the assurity of not passing to the next grade, namely C.N. & Jaques.

1.1.2. She said that her class had so much dummies that quarter of the class must be kept back but teachers are unpredictable.

1.2. Teachers

1.2.1. There are nine teachers, seven men & two women.

1.2.2. Her maths was weak; and math teacher was also an old fogey.

2. Through her diary, Anne is shown to be insightful, humorous, and intelligent. Anne also discussed her hopes for the future, which included becoming a journalist or a writer.

3. She was a latter; so her math teacher complained a lot about her

3.1. 1st punishment

3.1.1. Essay: 'A chatter box' Teacher was impressed but handed over another essay

3.2. 2nd Punishment

3.2.1. Essay: 'an incorrigible chatterbox' Teacher remained expressionless and did not complain for two long lessons. Until:

3.3. 3rd Punishment

3.3.1. Essay: 'quack, quack, quack, said mistress chatterbox' This time she was bored on the topic chatterboxes She took her friend's help who was good at poetry They prepared an awesome poem on the topic that flipped the joke on Mr. Kessing. He took it in a right way and therefore allowed Anne to talk in class.

4. Diary

4.1. She named the diary 'Kitty' and was said to be her best friend

4.2. It was her personal diary that she believed to show only to her best friend, if she ever met one.

4.2.1. She shared all her thoughts with her diary, in the absence of a best friend.

5. About Author Anne Frank

5.1. Full name: Anneliese Marie

5.2. Born: 12 June, 1929

5.3. Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany

6. By Parv Sharma