Homeostasis and Excretion
by Ralitza Zlateva
1. Coordination of to control-hypothalamus
2. the removal fron organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism (chemical reactions in cells including respiration) and substances in excess of requierments.
3. Negative feed back -The temperature of your blood rises above the norm.
4. -inverte brates -fish,amphibians,reptails
5. Structure of the skin
6. sweat gland,sebacens gland,hair folicle,sensory nerve,nails
7. malpighian layer,cornified layer
8. adipose tissue receptors
9. heart loss:hair lies flat,blood system loses heart,sweat
10. Mechanism of to control:
11. heat gain:muscles work-contract and relax very quickly,metabolism may increase,hair stand up
12. The maintenance of a constant internal environment
13. Homeostasis keeps the internal environment constant
14. Control of blood content
15. The control of body temperature
16. birds+mammals