Discuss the factors that lead to the Indians' defeat and assimilation.

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Discuss the factors that lead to the Indians' defeat and assimilation. by Mind Map: Discuss the factors that lead to the Indians' defeat and assimilation.

1. Discuss the role of broken treaties and massacres and the factors that led to the Indians’ defeat

1.1. Discuss the role of broken treaties that led to the Indians’ defeat.

1.2. Discuss the role of the massacres that led to the Indians’ defeat.

1.3. Make a Glogster poster.

2. Discuss the resistance of Indian nations to encroachments and assimilation (e.g., The Trail of Tears).

2.1. Discuss the resistance of Indian nations to encroachments.

2.2. Discuss the resistance of Indian nations to assimilation.

2.3. Use Storyjumper and publish a children's book