SM Festival

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SM Festival by Mind Map: SM Festival

1. Prayer

2. Partnerships

2.1. Tear Fund

2.2. YFC

2.3. Wells

2.4. Christian Aid

2.5. Church Army

2.6. YWAM

2.7. CIYD/YouthLink

3. Legals

3.1. C.P. Panel appointments and training

3.2. RA and H&S documents

3.3. Organisational chart

3.4. Insurance questions

3.5. Legal advice

3.6. Child Protection matters

4. Logistics

4.1. New ways to keep the site clean

4.2. Food court and canteen idea

4.3. Staging/lighting/Production

4.4. Audio / Visual capture

4.5. Site plans / layout

5. P.R.

5.1. November mail out

5.2. Easter gig

5.3. Other events

5.4. Schools

5.5. Ignite web

6. Ministry through Prayer

6.1. Training and selection

6.2. Ministry practice at SM

6.3. Role of Dr Paul Miller

6.4. Qualifier events

7. Programme

7.1. Speakers & Seminars

7.1.1. 27 seminars Early am Bible Study

7.1.2. Debates

7.1.3. Boy/Girl streams

7.1.4. Hot seat interviews

7.2. Worship

7.2.1. Album Distribution Promotion Accounts

7.2.2. Leadership & Band

7.2.3. Creativity

7.3. Arts

7.3.1. Main stage

7.3.2. Smart and diversity

7.4. Activities

7.4.1. Spectacles

7.4.2. Range of afternoon alternatives for 11-14s

7.5. Mainstage speakers and themes

8. Long term venue

8.1. Dublin venture?

8.2. Green field vision?

8.3. Strategy for next three years

8.4. New Horizon / partners?

9. Funding

9.1. Ticket sales

9.2. Staff contributions

9.3. Individual pledges


9.4.1. Letters to SM staff

9.4.2. Letters to Churches

9.4.3. Applications to Trusts, etc. Letter to Priorities

9.5. Grants

9.6. COFI

9.7. Merchandise

10. Vol/Staff Matters

10.1. Recruitment

10.2. Training

10.3. Maintenance

10.4. Medical cover

10.5. Event Crew

10.6. International dimension