Who may be framing Desdemona as being unfaithful and why?

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Who may be framing Desdemona as being unfaithful and why? by Mind Map: Who may be framing Desdemona as being unfaithful and why?

1. Iago

1.1. Pay too much attention to Othello

1.2. Crazy?

1.3. Maybe he wants to be in power on the low. He didn't say anything about being in power.

1.4. Maybe he's cheating and is blaming someone else.

1.5. least expected.

2. Cassio and Desdemona

2.1. Handkerchief

2.2. Wants position back

2.3. to make Othello do something crazy and lose his position

2.4. Get closer to Desdemona to convince Othello.

2.5. Maybe they're both young and in love and Othello is too old for her.

3. Lodovico

3.1. Politician

4. Desdemona

4.1. Wealthy Daughter

4.2. Young

4.3. White

4.4. Is she cheating with Cassio?

4.5. Is she cheating with Lodovico?

4.6. trying to make things right

4.7. Will not retrieve handkercheif-may not have it.

4.8. disobedient

4.9. keeps bring up Cassio

4.10. She will not show the handkerchief.

4.11. According to Cassio, she wants to marry him.

5. Cassio

5.1. lost position as 2nd in charge

5.2. Cassio has been secretly meeting with Desdemona

5.3. He got in a drunk-fight

5.4. Cassio used handkerchief.

5.5. Cassio is not interested in Desdemona

5.6. Sleeps with hookers.

6. Montano

6.1. seems like a good guy because because he tries to stop a fight.

7. Roderigo

7.1. Started the fight by instigating

7.2. May be trying to frame Cassio

8. Iago

8.1. Good friends with Cassio

8.2. tries to stop the fight

9. Bianca

9.1. She seems jealous

9.2. She suspects that the handkerchief with Strawberries is another womans.

9.3. She says, "a likely piece of work that you would find this in your chamber and not know who left it there."

9.4. Maybe Bianca is a hooker.

10. Main suspect

11. Emilia

11.1. motives

11.1.1. money

11.1.2. may like Desdemona

11.2. hired when married

11.3. May be unloyal

11.4. could be the man's fault if women cheat.

12. Othello

12.1. Black-Moor

12.2. General

12.3. Old

12.4. Married to Desdemona for a month

12.5. they've been fighting for about a week

12.6. Othello struck her

12.7. becoming aware of the situation

12.8. He thinks he has the proof and wants revenge.

12.9. He's on't

12.10. Why he strikes her is he has proof.