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1. 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

1.1. A teacher uses technology to further enhance his/her teaching strategies and materials. He or she designs and develops learning experiences that use technology to enhance student learning. He/she is also uses technology to more authentically assess student learning in both formative and summative assessments created with the use of technology. An educator can shy away from traditional assessment and use technology to innovativley and more accurately assess student knowledge.

1.1.1. Example 1: A teacher uses a computer for a student who has difficulty writing to type out the answers to a test. This allows the student to still be included in the assessment, but with technology the assessment is adapted to the student's needs.

1.1.2. Example 2: The teacher lets students record themselves making a persuasive speech to test their knowledge of persuasive techniques like repetition, rhetorical questions, etc. This authentically assess students knowledge of these techniques and allows students the chance to actually apply this knowledge and practice it as a skill. Using technology to record students speeches takes pressure of off students that may be felt from a speech in front of the class as well as when doing a written test. This way the teacher is able to see authentic student skills and understanding without nerves getting in the way.

1.1.3. Example 3: The students create a video in which they demonstrate their knowledge of the scientific method by conducting an experiment in which they go through all 6 parts of the scientific experiment. This allows the teacher to see if students not only know the scientific experiment, but also if they can use the scientific experiment to run an experiment. Here technology gives a more authentic assessment than a typical paper and pencil test may in this situation.

1.1.4. Example 4: The teacher has a students who is advanced in mathematics use email to develop a penpal relationship with a college student. This allows the student to email a problem to the college student each week and to get one in return. He/she can then spend the week working on the problem or problems, while material is being covered that he/she already knows. This is not only exciting for students, but also challenges them with problems more appropriate to their level, instead of boring them with already-understood concepts and tasks. It also allows the student to take a different perspective on the material by writing problems himself/herself. Here technology works as a communication tool to adapt to a students need for more challenging content in mathematics, while exciting the student and making him/her more excited about pushing himself/herself.

2. 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

2.1. A teacher should use technology creatively and innovatively. In so doing, he/she should inspire his/her students to do the same. In using technology in a new, original way as well as using his/her knowledge of learning, subject matter, and teaching, the teacher is also able to advance student learning by making subjects and activities (virtual and face-to-face) more engaging and interesting for students.

2.1.1. Example 1: Students complete research about saving energy, energy consumption, and energy resources. Using social media they are able to communicate around the world to learn about what energy concerns there are in other areas of the world. They can also use social media to see how other places deal with saving and supplying energy. This creates a unique learning experience that students could not otherwise have without technology. Students then complete the research by creating a website for the community about the areas energy consumption, how people can save energy, and alternative energy options. In doing this, students are able to use technology to communicate with a large group of people and addressing a real-world issue with the help of technology.

2.1.2. Example 2: The teacher uses a web-mapping site to allow students to collaborate ideas about books that fit the theme "individual vs. society." Students are able to share their own book and explanation of why it fits that theme. They are then also able to add on to other students ideas about other books that have been shared that fit this theme. Here technology presents a creative and convenient way for students to collaborate in and outside of school.

2.1.3. Example 4: A teacher creates a digital textbook for his/her students about the human body. Not only are students exposed to written information, but the teacher also includes photos, videos, links, audio and quizzes within the textbook. They are able to use the textbook interactively on an iPad. Students experience material in a variety of ways sight, sound, and touch. The creative presentation makes students more engaged and helps them to learn the information better because it is coming from multiple sources. Additionally, the quizzes in the digital textbook provide instant feedback for students on whether or not they understand the material. Finally, links allow students to be more self-motivated and seek out additional information and resources by their own choosing. Overall, this provides a uniques and interactive experiences with technology that greatly enhances students' learning experience of the human body.

2.1.4. Example 3: The teacher uses a smart board program to demonstrate different fractions students encounter in everyday. This allows students the chance to be exposed to many examples. It also lets students manipulate and change the examples to change the fraction. Connecting fractions to their own lives allows students a new view of fractions which provides them a better overall understanding of fractions. Technology makes this task more accessible for the students and teacher. It also gives students a chance to manipulate some of the fractions themselves in order to better understand them.

3. 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

3.1. A teacher follows proper copyright rules and practices. He/she makes his/her students aware of these rules and expects them to follow them. The ethical practices are modeled and implemented into classroom practices for the teacher and pupils.

3.1.1. Example 1: A teacher includes bibliographical information in all of his/her presentations and materials that come from outside sources. This models for students ethical practices when using others materials.

3.1.2. Example 2: Students are given a lesson on copyrights and proper copyright practices. The students are then expected to demonstrate their knowledge and skills about citation in any assignments in which they are required to use someone's information other than their own.

3.1.3. Example 3: A teacher has a zero tolerance for plagiarism in the classroom. Students are required to always properly cite their sources and to do so correctly.

3.1.4. Example 4: The teacher always practices proper copyright practices. He/she never plagiarizes and sets a positive example for his/her students about being respectful of others work and the protections they have over their works. The eliminates a double standard in which a teacher may expect students not to plagiarize, but does so himself/herself.

4. 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning

4.1. A teacher has knowledge and understanding of technology. He/she uses this knowledge to implement technology into the classroom in a transformative manner. Technology is used to enhance student learning and the teacher's teaching practice. The use of technology by the teacher is also done in an innovative, original way.

4.1.1. Example 1: A teacher creates a class website to communicate with parent what students are learning, news and information, and student homework. This allows a quick and easy outlet for the teacher to reach parents and parents to be involved in their students' learning. Here the teacher is able to use his/her knowledge of technology to b an effective communicator.

4.1.2. Example 2: A teacher creates a blog for students to share thoughts, questions, and ideas as they read a book. The students and teacher communicate and share with one another. This way they are able to communicate outside of school as well as collaborate with one another digitally. This is an original way to use technology to get students discussing the book and they do not even need to be at school to do so.

4.1.3. Example 3: A teacher understands how to efficiently and effectively uses digital tools and resources in his/her classroom. He/she can operate projectors, elmos, smart boards, etc. well and therefore can benefit from these resources in his/her classroom and teaching.

4.1.4. Example 4: A teacher communicates with a parent by email to update them quickly and easily about their child's progress and is then able to create goals and expectations for the student. Without needing to call or have parents come in, the teacher uses technology to collaboratively work with students and their parents.

5. 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

5.1. A teacher seeks out and make himself/herself aware of new, effective technology. He/she shares this knowledge with others to enhance not only his/her classroom, but others' classrooms as well. Teachers actively engage in learning about and understanding new digital tools and resources. He/she is a lifelong learner who willingly develops his/her skills and knowledge as technology changes.

5.1.1. Example 1: A teacher does regular research about new and effective technology for the classroom. He or she becomes familiar with a new software he/she feels will be beneficial for students by reading about it and practicing how to use it.

5.1.2. Example 2: A teacher attends a professional development seminar about how to effectively use his/her smart board and what tools the smart board offers for that teacher in the classroom. This shows that the teacher is actively learning about new technology so that he/she can best use it in his/her classroom.

5.1.3. Example 3: A teacher becomes very knowledgeable in an ESL computer program that would be beneficial for many ESL students in other classrooms. He/she then leads other teachers and administrators in a workshop about the software and how to use it. He/she is not only able to do this, but to also share the positive impact it will have on ESL students in the classroom. This demonstrates the teacher taking a leadership role in technology development in his/her school.

5.1.4. Example 4: A teacher attends profesional development on a new math software and digital textbook to become more familiar and knowledgable with the resource, despite having used the same paper textbook for 5 years, This shows a teacher willing to be a lifelong learner. He/she is willing to learn and change teaching strategies and materials to better enhance student learning, despite the need for that teacher to do some profesional development to do so.