Chapter 6 : Output

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Chapter 6 : Output por Mind Map: Chapter 6 : Output

1. Data projectors

1.1. A data projector is a device that takes the text and images displaying on a computer screen and projects them on a larger screen

2. Interactive whiteboards

2.1. An interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive device, resembling a dry-erase board, that displays the image on a connected computer screen

3. Force-feedback game controllers

3.1. Force-feedback sends resistance to the device in response to actions of the user

4. Tactile output

4.1. Tactile output provides the user with a physical response from the device

5. Display devices

5.1. LCD Monitor

5.2. Plasma Monitor

5.3. Television

5.4. Digital television (DTV)

5.5. HDTV

5.6. CRT Monitor

6. Printers

6.1. Ink-jet printers

6.2. Photo printers

6.3. Laser printers

6.4. Thermal printers

6.5. Mobile printers

6.6. Label and postage printers

6.7. Plotters

6.8. Large-format printers

7. audio output devices

7.1. Speaker

7.2. Headphone

7.3. Earbud