Application Software
by กฤษณ์ 5210163068
1. Graphics and Multimedia Software
1.1. Desktop publishing software
1.2. Paint/Image editing software
1.3. Professional photo editing software
1.4. Video and audio editing software
1.5. Multimedia authoring software
1.6. Computer‐aided design (CAD) software
2. Application Software for Communications
2.1. Web Browser
2.2. E‐Mail
2.3. Instant Messaging
2.4. Chat Room
2.5. Text , Picture, Video Messaging
2.6. RSS Aggregator
2.7. Blogging
2.8. Newsgroup/Message Board
2.9. Video Conferencing
3. Software for Home, Personal, and Educetionai Use
3.1. Personal finance software
3.2. Personal DTP software
3.3. preparation Tax software
3.4. Legal software
3.5. Personalpaint/imaeediting software
3.6. Video and audio editing software
3.7. Entertainment software
3.8. Personal photo editing software
3.9. New node
4. Business Software
4.1. Human resources
4.2. Accounting
4.3. Engineering
4.4. Sales
4.5. Distribution
4.6. Information technology
5. wab abplication
6. Learning Tools for Application Software
6.1. web-based training
6.2. Distance learning (DL)
6.3. Online Help