Andrew Curiel Browsers 2013

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Andrew Curiel Browsers 2013 by Mind Map: Andrew Curiel Browsers 2013

1. Mozilla Firefox

1.1. PROS: Clean, minimal interface. Fast performance. .

1.2. CONS: Lacks client-side tracking protection like that found in IE9.

1.3. PROS: Innovative tab implementation. Highly customizable

1.4. CONS: Lacks Chrome's built in Flash and Instant page view.

2. Internet Explorer

2.1. CONS: No built in Flash or PDF reader.e.g.).

2.2. PROS: Fast. Lean interface. Decent HTML5 support. Excellent tab implementation. Top security and privacy features.

2.3. CONS: Still lags on new Web tech support (WebGL,)

2.4. PROS: All the browsing tools you want. Pinned sites for custom browsing.

3. Apple Safari 5

3.1. PROS: Reading view. Reading list. Cover flow and other beautiful interface elements. Built-in RSS reader.

3.2. CONS: Slow startup. Not being updated together with Mac version.

3.3. PROS: Good standards support. Good browsing speed. Fine tab implementation. Decent extension selection.

3.4. CONS: No hardware acceleration for Windows.

4. Define:

4.1. Browser: a program used to view HTML documents

4.2. Browser Extension: A computer program that extends the functionality of a web browser in some way. Depending on the browser and the version, the term may be distinct from similar terms such as plug-in or add-on.

4.3. HTML 5: A markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and a core technology of the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML 4 as of 1997)[2] and, as of December 2012, is a W3C Candidate Recommendation.

5. Opera 12.10

5.1. CONS: It doesn't have the backing of a major corporation like Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, or Microsoft's Internet Explorer,

5.2. PROS: it does have are a fantastic combination of speed and built-in services.

5.3. PROS: Good mobile service

5.4. CONS: it lacks the massive, open developer's community of Mozilla's Firefox.

6. Marketshare

7. Google Chrome 23

7.1. PROS: Chrome Instant means your Web page is ready to read before you finish typing the address.

7.2. CONS: Do Not Track privacy feature is buried and discouraged. Still some occasional minor site incompatibilities.

7.3. PROS: Leading support for HTML 5. Fast. Hardware acceleration. Excellent security.

7.4. CONS: Still some occasional minor site incompatibilities.