OUTPUT (Chapter 6)

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OUTPUT (Chapter 6) by Mind Map: OUTPUT  (Chapter 6)

1. Speakers, Headphones, and Earbuds

1.1. Check out http://www.mindmeister.com/services/tools/geistesblitz_widgets

2. Other Output Devices

2.1. Data Projectors

2.2. Interactive Whiteboards

2.3. Force - Feedback Game Controllers and Tactile Output

3. Putting It All Together

3.1. New node

4. Output Devices for Physically Challenged

4.1. New node

5. Chaper Summary

5.1. New node

6. Printers

6.1. Producing Printed Output

6.2. Nonimpact Printers

6.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.2.4. DEL to delete

6.2.5. All key shortcuts

6.3. Ink - Jet Printers

6.4. Photo Printers

6.5. Laser Printers

6.6. Multifunction Peripherals

6.7. Thermal Printers

6.8. Mobile Printers

6.9. Label and Postage Printers

6.10. Plotters and Large - Format Printers

6.11. Impack Printers

7. What Is Output ?

7.1. We hope you'll have fun with MindMeister ...

7.2. Get started now!

7.3. ... and some great ideas too!

8. Display Devices

8.1. LCD Monitor and LCD Screens

8.1.1. New node

8.2. LCD Technology

8.3. LCD Quality

8.4. Graphics Chips, Ports, and LCD Monitors

8.5. Plasma Monitor

8.6. Televisions

8.7. CRT Monitor