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Keith by Mind Map: Keith

1. Never eat alone

1.1. include others in what you are doing

1.2. clone dinners

1.3. things to do

1.3.1. coffee

1.3.2. workout / hobby

1.3.3. early breakfast

1.3.4. special event

1.3.5. dinner parties

2. Conference commmando

2.1. phone organizer

2.2. I would like to help make this year the best

2.2.1. time

2.2.2. creativity

2.2.3. connenctions

2.3. 1-page

2.4. Q sessions

2.4.1. introduce yourself + company

2.4.2. leave the audience buzzing

2.5. throw a dinner on your own

2.5.1. nearby restaurant

2.5.2. send out invite at the hotel the night before

2.6. Connect w/ the key figures

2.6.1. arrive early

2.6.2. connect before they speak

2.7. Bumping

2.7.1. two hands

2.7.2. personal q

2.7.3. show emotions

2.7.4. make a note of your talk

2.8. targets

2.8.1. 3-4 people

2.8.2. send emails to speakers even if u haven't met them

3. connectors

3.1. restaurateurs

3.1.1. go often

3.1.2. new Rs: call the owner

3.2. headhunters

3.3. Fundraisers

3.4. PR people

3.5. Politicians

3.6. Journalists

4. Social arbitrage

4.1. exchange of favors

4.2. career karma

4.3. switchboard

4.4. pick a few people you know and don't know - email them ideas

4.5. habit: find a solution to every problem

5. Pinging

5.1. email

5.2. phone

5.3. face-to-face

5.4. set reminders

5.5. list

5.5.1. last time u contacted them

5.5.2. 1,2,3

5.6. value-add ping

5.6.1. ask for favorite music

5.6.2. send relevant articles

5.6.3. birthday

6. HWC

6.1. health

6.2. wealth

6.3. children

6.4. emotional support

6.5. share emotional stuff

7. Follow up

7.1. 12-24h MAX after you've met them

7.2. reminder - every month drop an email

7.3. focus on what YOU can help them with

7.3.1. relevant articles

8. Homework

8.1. one page

8.1.1. who they are

8.1.2. business

8.1.3. hobbies

8.1.4. challenges

8.1.5. goals

8.2. Sources

8.2.1. google

8.2.2. articles/news

8.2.3. company website

8.2.4. annual reports

9. Mission

9.1. 1. Passion

9.1.1. 1. inside list of dreams and goals list of things + people I enjoy look for intersections

9.1.2. 2. outside ask others of strength and weaknesses

9.2. 2. Goals

9.2.1. Relationship action plan goals a b people how to connect with them 0.5, 1, 3 years

9.3. 3. advisors

9.3.1. SYD

10. Journalists/ PR

10.1. feed them

10.2. research

10.3. your own

10.3.1. angle: timely

10.3.2. 3 most imp topics of you story

10.3.3. link a celeb

10.4. go local first

10.5. thank you email

10.6. send the article around

11. Anchor tenants

11.1. dinner once a month

11.1.1. invite outside ur social circle

11.1.2. journalist

11.1.3. 6-10

11.1.4. thursdays

11.1.5. 1. theme black tie mother's meatlofe

11.1.6. 2. send invites early

11.1.7. 3. atmosphere candles flowers

12. How to meet people

12.1. Get involved

12.1.1. hobbies

12.1.2. various clubs

12.2. goal: one new person / week

12.3. script: p55

13. Principles when socializing

13.1. Have something to offer when you speak

13.2. be transparent

13.2.1. Don't be shy about your research

13.3. it's not about mass

13.4. common interests

14. Take names

14.1. Most important people

14.1.1. influentials early adopters journalists

14.1.2. potential customers

14.1.3. other categories matching your goal

14.2. sorting

14.2.1. like to know

14.2.2. know

14.2.3. aspirational contacts extreme high level

14.3. adding names

14.3.1. online

14.3.2. magazines

14.3.3. newspapers

14.3.4. forbes, rankings

15. Warming the cold call

15.1. 1. convey credibility (familiar person, mutual friend)

15.1.1. tap your network

15.2. 2. state your value proposition

15.2.1. solving their problem

15.2.2. show interest in their success

15.3. 3. impart urgency and convenience (do whatever it takes)

15.3.1. "i'm doing x next week, lunch thursday"

15.4. 4. prepare a compromise / alternative

16. Gatekeeper

16.1. respect

16.2. humor

16.3. several forms of communiactions

16.3.1. email

16.3.2. letter

16.3.3. postcard