Game Theory

A mind map of a bunch of game theory type things.

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Game Theory by Mind Map: Game Theory

1. Simple Concepts To Know

1.1. What the fuck is meant by equilibria

1.1.1. Pure Nash Equilibria

1.1.2. Mixed Nash Equilbria

1.2. What do we mean by beliefs

1.3. Mutual Knowledge

1.4. Common Knowledge

2. Elements of a game

2.1. Players

2.1.1. Payoffs based on their own actions and the actions of others

2.1.2. Beliefs

2.1.3. Actions

2.1.4. Knowledge of other players and game

2.1.5. Signals

2.1.6. Strategies

2.2. Nature

2.2.1. Added Nature here, might be something to it

2.3. Game Structure

2.3.1. Strategic Game

2.3.2. Sequential Game

2.3.3. Finite

2.3.4. Infinte

3. Solution Concepts (Just A LIST ATM)

3.1. Rational Strategies

3.2. Iteratively not dominated Strategies

3.3. Correlated Strategies

3.4. Rationalizable Equilibiria

4. General Method of Game Setup and Solution

4.1. 1)Collate Information

4.1.1. 1) Type of Game Extensive Normal Form

4.1.2. 2) Number of Players

4.1.3. 3) Set of Actions

4.1.4. 4) Strategies

4.1.5. 5) Utility Functions

4.1.6. 6) Pay-Off Functions

4.2. 2) Identify WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. What will the solution look like?

4.3. 3) Work through the problem WARNING ALGEBRA!

4.4. 4) Solution

5. Strategic Form Games

6. Extensive Form Games

7. Good Books on Game Theory

7.1. Rubinstein

7.2. Fudenberg & Tirole

7.3. Gibbons

8. Nash Refinements

8.1. Extensive Form Games

8.1.1. Sub-game Perfect Equilibria Trembling Hand Equilibria Proper Perfect Baysian Equilibria Cho-Kreps Refinement

8.2. Strategic Form Games