Computer in everyday life 6: Output

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Computer in everyday life 6: Output by Mind Map: Computer in everyday life 6: Output

1. Force-Feedback Game Controllers

2. Interactive Whiteboards

3. Speakers,Headphones and earbuds

3.1. Playing Games

3.2. Multimedia Presentations

3.3. Listen to music

3.4. View Movies

4. display devices

4.1. Monitor

4.1.1. LCD Monitor

4.1.2. Wide Screen

4.2. A display device visually

4.2.1. Conveys Text

4.2.2. Graphics

4.2.3. Video Information

5. Tactile Output

6. Printers

6.1. Ink-Jet Printers

6.2. Photo Printers

6.3. Laser Printers

6.4. Thermal Printers

6.5. Mobile Printers

6.6. Label and Postage Printers

6.7. Plotters

6.8. Large-Format Printers

7. Data Projectors