111312 - Computer in Everyday Life

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111312 - Computer in Everyday Life by Mind Map: 111312 - Computer in Everyday Life

1. Chapter 7 - Storage

1.1. 1.How are storage devices different from storage media?

1.2. 2.What are the characteristics of an internal Hard disk?

1.3. 3.What is Purpose of network attached Storage devices, External and Removable Hard disk, and Hard disk Controllers?

1.4. 4.What are the various types of flash memory storage?

1.5. 5.What is cloud storage, and What are its advantages?

1.6. 6.What are the characteristics of optical discs?

1.7. 7.How are the various types of optical discs different?

1.8. 8.How are tape, magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, microfilm and microfiche, and enterprise storage used?