1. Selectors
1.1. Simple Selectors
1.1.1. Class
1.1.2. Element
1.1.3. ID
1.1.4. The Universal Selector
1.2. Descendant selectors
1.2.1. Selector chain
1.2.2. Child selector
1.3. Pseudo-class
1.3.1. :link
1.3.2. :visited
1.3.3. :active
1.3.4. :hover
1.3.5. :focus
1.3.6. :checked
1.3.7. :lang(language)
1.3.8. :not
1.3.9. :nth-child(integer)
1.3.10. :nth-child(an + b))
1.3.11. :nth-last-child(integer)
1.3.12. :nth-last-child(an+b)
1.3.13. :only-child
1.3.14. :only-of-type
1.3.15. :first-of-type
1.4. Pseudo-element
1.4.1. ::first-line
1.4.2. ::first-letter
1.4.3. Content inserting pseudo-elements ::before ::after
1.5. Grouping
1.6. Subsequent adjacent sibling selectors
1.7. Subsequent sibling selectors
1.8. Attribute selector
1.8.1. Attribute exists
1.8.2. Attribute has value
1.8.3. Attribute has word (delimited by spaces)
1.8.4. Attribute has word (delimited by spaces or hyphens)
1.8.5. Attribute contains word anywhere
1.8.6. Combined with pseudo-class
1.8.7. Starts with selector
1.8.8. Ends with selector
2. A style
2.1. selector
2.2. declaration block
2.3. comment /*...*/
3. Where they live
3.1. Separate file
3.1.1. Specify charset
3.2. Inline style
3.3. Embedded
4. media attribute
4.1. all
4.2. braille
4.3. embossed
4.4. handheld
4.5. print
4.6. screen
4.7. speech
4.8. tty
4.9. tv
5. Importing style sheets
6. Precidence
6.1. important
6.2. The order...
6.3. Determining the specificity
7. Colours
7.1. #rrggbb
7.2. #rgb
7.3. rgb(0, 255, 126)
7.4. rgb(20%, 100%, 10%)
7.5. Transparency
7.6. hsl(270, 50%, 50%)
8. Text
8.1. Font groups
8.1.1. serif
8.1.2. sans serif
8.1.3. monospace
8.1.4. cursive
8.1.5. fantasy
8.2. Style rules
8.2.1. Font families p { font-family : arial "times new roman" sans-serif; }
8.2.2. Font size p { font-size: 1 px;; } p { font-size: 150%; } p { font-size: 1.5em; } p { font-size: 1in; } p { font-size: 1cm; }
9. Box Model
9.1. border: value or border: top right bottom left
9.1.1. border-top
9.1.2. border-left
9.1.3. border-right
9.1.4. border-bottom
9.2. padding
9.3. margin: value or margin: top right bottom left
9.3.1. margin-top
9.3.2. margin-left
9.3.3. margin-right
9.3.4. margin-bottom
9.4. background-color
9.5. border-style
9.6. border-color
10. Positioning
10.1. box-sizing
10.1.1. content-box
10.1.2. border-box
10.1.3. padding-box
10.2. Types
10.2.1. Absolute Positioning
10.2.2. Fixed Positioning
10.2.3. Relative Positioning
10.2.4. Static Positioning
10.3. float
10.3.1. float: left or float: right
10.3.2. float: inherit
10.3.3. Clearing the float: clear: both;