Chapter 1 Introduction to computer
by Wittawat Robkwaen

1. Networks and the Internet
1.1. A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together
1.2. The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks
1.3. People use the Internet for a variety of reasons
1.3.1. Communicate
1.3.2. Research and Access Information
1.3.3. Shop
1.3.4. Bank and Invest
1.3.5. Entertainment
1.3.6. Download Music
1.3.7. Share Videos
1.3.8. Web Application
1.4. A social networking Web site encourages members to share their interests with other registered users
2. categories of computers, computer users, and computer applications
2.1. Personal computers
2.2. Mobile computers and mobile devices
2.2.1. Notebook computer
2.2.2. Tablet PC
2.2.3. Smart phone
2.2.4. PDA
2.2.5. Handheld computer
2.2.6. Portable media player
2.3. Game consoles
2.4. Servers
2.5. Mainframes
2.6. Supercomputers
2.7. Embedded computers
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers
3.1. Advantages
3.1.1. Speed
3.1.2. Reliability
3.1.3. Consistency
3.1.4. Storage
3.1.5. Communications
3.2. Disadvantages
3.2.1. Health Risks
3.2.2. Violation of Privacy
3.2.3. Public Safety
3.2.4. Impact on Labor Force
3.2.5. Impact on Environment
4. element of information system
4.1. Portable media player
4.2. Software
4.3. Data
4.4. People
4.5. Procedures
5. Basic computer concepts
5.1. Computers are everywhere
5.2. A computer is an electronic device
5.3. operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory
6. Components of a computer
6.1. Input Device
6.2. Output Device
6.3. System Unit
6.4. Storage Device
6.5. Communications Device
7. computer software
7.1. Software, also called a program,
7.1.1. System Software
7.1.2. Application software