My Best Friend

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My Best Friend by Mind Map: My Best Friend

1. Character/s:

1.1. Amanda Sim ( My Best Friend )

1.2. Lim Yuxuan ( Me )

2. Setting/s:

2.1. In the Canteen

2.2. At Pearlyn/Andrea's duty place

3. Problem/Plot:

3.1. Pearlyn, Amanda Sim, Jaeda, Andrea and I were at Pearlyn/Andrea's duty place. We were discussing about the 'Anti-drug' project when suddenly, Andrea and Amanda Sim said they didn't like their 'Anti-drug' group because they didn't like Amanda Tan and Gwyneth in their group.

4. What happened next:

4.1. Suddenly, Gwyneth came. She asked Andrea and Amanda Sim when do they start their project. Then, Andrea told Gwyneth Amanda Sim and herself quit her group. Then, Pearlyn said she should give 10 reasons why she wanted to quit. And so, all of us quarreled together.

5. Ending:

5.1. I became best friends with Amanda Sim.

6. Solution

6.1. I apologized to Amanda Sim.

7. What happened next:

7.1. So, Andrea suggested inconsiderately that they wanted to create their own group. They made Melissa to join them. Pearlyn, Jaeda and I agreed.So, Andrea suggested inconsiderately that they wanted to create their own group. They made Melissa to join them. Pearlyn, Jaeda and I agreed.

8. The look of my best friend:

8.1. Cute

8.2. Kind

8.3. Has short hair

8.4. Big sparkly eyes

8.5. A sweet smile

9. Info's about my best friend:

9.1. Favourite colour: Sky blue

9.2. Favourite food: French Fries

9.3. Handwriting: Neat