Holler if you hear me

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Holler if you hear me by Mind Map: Holler if you hear me

1. Greg

1.1. Power/Control

1.2. "Can I do it?"

2. Juan

2.1. Stereotypes

2.2. The Great Game of HS

2.3. Gangbanger

3. Reggie

3.1. Violence

3.2. Racism

3.3. Authority

4. Lourdes

4.1. Identity

4.2. Race

4.3. Nationalism

4.4. Stereotype threat

5. Diana & Hector

5.1. "Never touch a student"

5.2. Cognitive Dissonance for teachers

6. Ruby

6.1. Sexism

6.2. Teen pregnancy